University of Colorado Boulder - More C++ Programming and Unreal
- Offered byCoursera
More C++ Programming and Unreal at Coursera Overview
Duration | 18 hours |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Intermediate |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
More C++ Programming and Unreal at Coursera Highlights
- Earn a Certificate upon completion
- Course 2 of 4 in the C++ Programming for Unreal Game Development Specialization
- Financial aid available
More C++ Programming and Unreal at Coursera Course details
- This course is the second course in the specialization about learning how to develop video games using the C++ programming language and the Unreal game engine on Windows or Mac
- Continue building your foundational C++ and Unreal knowledge by exploring more C++ and Unreal topics
- Module 1: Discover how we make decisions in our code
- Module 2: Get and use player input in your Unreal games
- Module 3: Learn how to use iteration (looping) to repeat actions in your code
- Module4: Explore storing lots of data in arrays, C++ containers, and the Unreal TArray<> container
More C++ Programming and Unreal at Coursera Curriculum
Course Introduction
Navigating a Coursera Course
Meet the Instructor (optional)
Lesson Introduction
If Statements
Switch Statements
Implementing a Manual Timer
Testing a Manual Timer
Spawning Teddies: Actor and UProperty
Spawning Teddies: Finishing Up
Tagged Destruction
Course Models
Large Download Sizes
Chapter 7: Selection
Exercise 1: If Statements
Exercise 2: Switch Statements
Exercise 3: Shrink and Grow
Exercise 4: Jump That Actor
Number Characteristics Solution
Unreal Input
Lesson Introduction
Mouse Location Processing
Working for the Clampdown
Mouse Button Processing
Keyboard Processing
Gamepad Processing
Chapter 8: Unreal Input
Exercise 5: Mouse Jumping
Exercise 6: Spawn and Destroy
Exercise 7: Finally, a Driving Game
Unreal Input
Lesson Introduction
For Loops
Nested For Loops
While Loops
Do-While Loops
Nesting and Boxes
Multiple Spawns
Exercise 8: For Loops
Exercise 9: While Loops
When Will They Stop? Solution
Arrays and Containers
Lesson Introduction
Intro to Arrays
Initializing an Array
Why We Start at Zero
How Big is an Array?
Processing an Array
The Array Container
The Vector Container
The Unreal TArray Container
Ted the Collector
Finishing Up
Exercise 10: Arrays
Exercise 11: Vectors
Exercise 12: Min and Max
Exercise 13: Random Destruction
Give Me a Hand Solution