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PostgreSQL Essential Training 

  • Offered byLinkedin Learning

PostgreSQL Essential Training
Linkedin Learning 


3 hours

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PostgreSQL Essential Training
Linkedin Learning 
Course details

Skills you will learn
More about this course
  • In this course, instructor Adam Wilbert helps learner get up and running with PostgreSQL
  • Adam covers the essential first steps of setting up a PostgreSQL server and working with the graphical interface, pgAdmin
  • He then shows how to work with pgAdmin to create new database objects, populate them with data, and retrieve records from the database

PostgreSQL Essential Training
Linkedin Learning 


Manage relational data with PostgreSQL

Using the exercise files

Getting Started with PostgreSQL

What is PostgreSQL?

Download and install PostgreSQL

Connect to the server with psql

Browse the server with a graphical interface

Create objects with pgAdmin

Challenge: Create a table

Solution: Create a table

An Introduction to Relational Databases

The structure of a database table

PostgreSQL native data types

Join tables together with relationships

Building a Database

Organize tables with schemas

Create a table with pgAdmin

Link primary and foreign keys

Enforce referential integrity on related records

Challenge: Execute a command on the Postgres server

Solution: Execute a command on the Postgres server

Retrieve Information with Queries

Import data from a CSV

Retrieve information with a SELECT query

Helpful pgAdmin Query Tool interface elements

Join tables for additional information

Save a query as a database view

Challenge: Import data and write queries

Solution: Import data and write queries

Managing Data

Add indexes to a table

Automatically fill in default values

Constrain acceptable input values

Challenge: Add data constraints

Solution: Add data constraints

Database Administration in PostgreSQL

User accounts and roles

Grant privileges to a role

Back up and restore a database

Start and stop the server


Additional resources

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PostgreSQL Essential Training
Linkedin Learning 
Faculty details

Adam Wilbert, LinkedIn Learning Instructor

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PostgreSQL Essential Training
Linkedin Learning 

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