Productivity Masterclass: Create a Custom System that Works
- Offered bySkillshare
Productivity Masterclass: Create a Custom System that Works at Skillshare Overview
Productivity Masterclass: Create a Custom System that Works
at Skillshare
Duration | 1 hour |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Beginner |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Productivity Masterclass: Create a Custom System that Works at Skillshare Highlights
Productivity Masterclass: Create a Custom System that Works
at Skillshare
- Skills Covered: Personal Development, Productivity, Time Management, Professional Growth, Business Skills
- Transform your personal and professional life
- Learn from Thomas Frank - YouTuber, Author and Entrepreneur
Productivity Masterclass: Create a Custom System that Works at Skillshare Course details
Productivity Masterclass: Create a Custom System that Works
at Skillshare
What are the course deliverables?
- Task management essentials
- Digital and physical file organization
- How to take (and keep) notes
- Email tips and tricks
- Staying organized for the long haul
More about this course
- Transform your personal and professional life by creating a simple, customized productivity system with productivity expert and YouTuber Thomas Frank. With over 1.2 million followers on YouTube, Thomas has crafted a career out of helping others get organized and improve their workflow with simple, straightforward techniques. Join Thomas as he shares his tried-and-true process for creating an end-to-end, personalized productivity system that works no matter how much you have going on in your life.
Productivity Masterclass: Create a Custom System that Works at Skillshare Curriculum
Productivity Masterclass: Create a Custom System that Works
at Skillshare
Manage Your Tasks
Set Up Your Calendar
Take Your Notes
Organize Your Digital Files
Organize Your Physical Files
Get Better at Email
Use Quick Capture
Schedule a Review Day
Final Thoughts
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Productivity Masterclass: Create a Custom System that Works
at Skillshare
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