Vanderbilt University - Programming for a Networked World
- Offered byCoursera
Programming for a Networked World at Coursera Overview
Duration | 24 hours |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Programming for a Networked World at Coursera Highlights
- Earn a certificate from Vanderbilt University
- Add to your LinkedIn profile
- September 2023
- 1 assignment
Programming for a Networked World at Coursera Course details
- What you'll learn
- Fundamental computer programming concepts such as variables, control structures, functions and many others.
- The basics of distributed computing and computer networking.
- Problem solving using an accessible visual programming environment.
- Computational thinking through hands-on projects that make programming more engaging.
- Want to learn the basics of computer programming in a fun and innovative way? This course introduces computer programming using an educational block-based visual programming environment called NetsBlox (, emphasizing modern computer science concepts like networking, the internet, and distributed computing. The curriculum is hands-on, focusing on translating ideas into working computer programs and developing a mastery of practical computational literacy. After completing this course, you will have a solid foundation to learn professional languages like Python, Java, etc.
- The course is especially suitable for K12 teachers and students who want to get a gentle introduction to computer science.
Programming for a Networked World at Coursera Curriculum
Welcome to the Course!
Introduction to NetsBlox
Turtle Graphics
Boolean Logic
Solving FizzBuzz
Making Geometric Art with NetsBlox
Setting up the Auto-Grader
What is NetsBlox?
Introducing Turtle Graphics
Introduction to Boolean Logic
Solving FizzBuzz
Introduction to the Auto-grader
NetsBlox: Between
NetsBlox: FizzBuzz
Custom Blocks, Events and RPCs
What Are Lists?
Custom Blocks
Events in Programming
Displaying the Weather on a Map
What are Custom Blocks?
What is Recursion?
What Are Events?
Introduction to Broadcast Blocks
Using Spatial Information in NetsBlox
Mapping Weather Conditions
NetsBlox: Greet
NetsBlox: Leap Year
NetsBlox: Factorial
Loops and Lists
Coding Loops
What is Variable Scope?
Using and Mutating Lists
Dealing with Errors
Movie Lists
Adding Scrolling to Your Maps
Introduction to Variable Scope
More About Lists
Introduction to Debugging
Creating Lists of Movies
Making Maps Dynamic
NetsBlox: Actor's Birthday
NetsBlox: Compute the Average
NetsBlox: Luhn Formula
Structured Data
Lists of Lists
Charts in NetsBlox
How to Zip Lists
Map, Keep, Combine
Using the Structured Data Library
Google Street View
Introduction to Two-Dimensional Lists
Creating Charts with NetsBlox
Zipping Lists
Processing Lists with Map, Keep, and Combine
The Structured Data Library
Using Street View
NetsBlox: Acronym
NetsBlox: Counting Letter Frequency
NetsBlox: Minesweeper
Distributed Programming
Distributed Hello, World!
Messages in NetsBlox
Running Dog
Shared Whiteboard
Chat Server
Thanks for Taking the Course!
Introduction to Peer-to-Peer Networking in NetsBlox
Introduction to Message Passing in NetsBlox
Distributed Animations in NetsBlox
Making a Shared Whiteboard
Client-Server Applications in NetsBlox
Module 5 Quiz
Text Analysis
Named Entity Recognition for People
Language ID, Part One
Language ID, Part Two
Language Games
Introduction to Named Entity Recognition (NER)
Frequency Analysis in NetBlox, Part One
Frequence Analysis in NetsBlox, Part Two
Playing with Lyrics
NetsBlox: Pangram
NetsBlox: Anagram Detection
NetsBlox: Isogram