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SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Customer Data Cloud 

  • Offered bySAP

SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Customer Data Cloud


3 hours

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SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Customer Data Cloud
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Skills you will learn
More about this course
  • The "SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Customer Data Cloud" certification exam validates that the candidate possesses the fundamental and core knowledge required of the development consultant profile
  • This certification proves that the candidate has an overall understanding and in?depth technical skills to participate as a member of an SAP Customer Data Cloud project team in a mentored role

SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Customer Data Cloud

Data Schema

Describe and use the Identity and Data Store in SAP Customer Data Cloud. Create and update schema fields using the schema editor and REST API calls

Customer Identity and Site Groups

Explain and configure the different options of Customer Idenity policies. Explain the features of Customer Identity including, lite and full screen-sets, social login, account linking, workflows and progressive profiling. Discover Customer Idenity feauters to develop your site using the Customer Data Cloud's Web SDK and REST API. Explain Site Groups, Single sign on and Risked Based Authentication in SAP Customer Data Cloud. Perform the required steps to configure these features

Extensibility and Dataflows

Explain how to configure and process webhook events. Describe how to secure webhooks notifications. Explain Identity Sync flows, use error path and custom flows. Configure and create Dataflows schedules

Enterprise Preference Management and Consent

Identify the main elements of enterprise consent management. Implement SAP customer consent with and without SAP customer Identity and using screensets and REST API


Identify the different technologies for federating data using SAP Customer Data Cloud. Explain federation using JWT, OIDC and SAML

Console - Administration and Configuration

Describe how to configure user groups, applications, permissions and API Keys using SAP Customer Data Cloud's Administration Console

CIAM for B2B

Explain CIAM for B2B, Organization Access Management, end user Self-Service & Delegated Administration, and Policy based access control

Mobile Apps

Integrate SAP Customer Data Cloud in your mobile application using the Customer Data Cloud's mobile SDK. Identify the differences between Plugin View and Native approach in mobile apps and explain proper session management techniques

Best Practices

Describe best practices with cookies, signature and token validation, mobile apps, security and UX when working with SAP Customer Data Cloud

SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Customer Data Cloud
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SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Customer Data Cloud

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