UiPath Academy - Step into RPA
- Offered byCoursera
Step into RPA at Coursera Overview
Duration | 7 hours |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Step into RPA at Coursera Highlights
- Earn a Certificate upon completion from Coursera
- Get flexible deadlines in accordance to student's schedule
Step into RPA at Coursera Course details
- Step into RPA is a course where students will learn the basic concepts of Robotic Process Automation, commonly known as RPA, and understand the capabilities of software robots
- The course equips you with skills to automate repetitive day-to-day tasks
- This course is tailored for non-technical audience who want to learn the basics of Robotic Process Automation and have basic knowledge of computers
Step into RPA at Coursera Curriculum
Step into RPA
Do you know why Robots are here?
Course Introduction
Module Introduction
"Movie Search" example
Steps to automate the "Movie Search" example
Introduction to RPA
Benefits of RPA
Future of Work with RPA
Attributes of Processes best-suited for RPA
Use of RPA in business
Robot and its types
Introduction to UiPath
Benefits of Automation using UiPath Platform
UiPath Platform's Core Components
Overview of Studio & StudioX
Steps to automate the "Movie Search" example
Additional Benefits of RPA
Future of Work with RPA
Additional Attributes of Processes best-suited for RPA
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Module and Lesson Introduction
Installing UiPath Studio Academic Alliance Edition
Installing Browser Extensions
The User Interface of Studio
Your First Automation Project - "Hello World"
Lesson Introduction
Screen Scraping
Data Scraping
Introduction to Recording and its Types in Studio
Understanding the components of Recording Wizard
Introduction to Sequences and Flowcharts
Nested Sequences and Flowcharts
Introduction to Loops: While, Do While and For Each
A Simple Loop
If Activity
"Movie Search" example - Steps 1 - 3
Lesson Introduction
Data Persistence
Reading Data from an Excel file
Writing Data to an Excel file
Introduction to Selectors and its Types
UI Explorer and its Properties
"Movie Search" example - Steps 4 - 7
Module Summary
Your First Automation Project - "Hello World"
Nested Sequences and Flowcharts
Introduction to Control Flow Statements
"Movie Search" example - Steps 1 - 3
Data Persistence
Reading Data from an Excel file
Writing Data to an Excel file
Properties of UI Explorer
"Movie Search" example - Steps 4 - 7
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Check your knowledge
Check your knowledge
Module and Lesson Introduction
Installing UiPath StudioX Academic Alliance Edition
Installing Browser Extensions
The User Interface of StudioX
Your First Automation Project - "Hello World"
Lesson Introduction
Table Extraction
Introduction to App/Web Recorder
Components of App/Web Recording Wizard
Introduction to Groups
Introduction to Loop and its types
A Simple Loop
If Activity
"Movie Search" example - Steps 1 - 3
Lesson Introduction
Data Persistence
Reading Data from an Excel file
Writing Data to an Excel file
Introduction to Selectors
UI Explorer and its Properties
"Movie Search" example - Steps 4 - 7
Module Summary
Your First Automation Project - "Hello World"
Introduction to Control Flow Statements
"Movie Search" example - Steps 1 - 3
Data Persistence
Reading Data from an Excel file
Writing Data to an Excel file
Editing Selectors
Properties of UI Explorer
"Movie Search" example - Steps 4 - 7
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Check your knowledge
Module Introduction
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RPA Specialization
UiPath Academy
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UiPath Community
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