The C++20 Masterclass : From Fundamentals to Advanced
- Offered byUDEMY
The C++20 Masterclass : From Fundamentals to Advanced at UDEMY Overview
Duration | 115 hours |
Total fee | ₹3,299 |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Go to Website |
Credential | Certificate |
The C++20 Masterclass : From Fundamentals to Advanced at UDEMY Highlights
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The C++20 Masterclass : From Fundamentals to Advanced at UDEMY Course details
Aspiring developers
Students and researchers
Existing C++ developers willing to spice up on C++ 20
C++ 20
C++ 17
C++ 14
C++ 11
Operator Overlading
variables and data types
Const correctness
static variables
Class Templates
Move semantics
Stl containers, iterators and algorithms
Function like entities and callbacks
Lambda expressions
Character manipulation and strings
Return value optimization
Unlock the full potential of C++20 in this comprehensive masterclass designed for both beginners and experienced developers
This course takes you through the fundamentals of C++ programming, gradually progressing to advanced concepts and modern features introduced in C++20
The C++20 Masterclass : From Fundamentals to Advanced at UDEMY Curriculum
Getting the most out of the course
Source code, Slides and Questions [IMPORTANT]
Environment Setup - [Windows - Linux - Mac]
The Tools
Environment setup - Windows
Windows setup introduction
Install and setup VS Code on Windows
Microsoft Visual Studio Install - Windows
VS Code setup with MSVC
Install GCC & Clang - Windows
Configure VS Code for GCC - Windows
Configure VS Code for Clang - Windows
Windows template project - All compilers
Windows Development Environment setup - Summary
Environment setup - Linux
Linux environment setup - Introduction
Install & setup VS Code on Linux
Install GCC on Linux
Configure VS Code for GCC - Linux
Install Clang on Linux
Configure VS Code for Clang - Linux
Template Project - All compilers - Linux
Environment setup - Mac
Install and Setup Visual Studio Code
Install GCC and Clang
Configure VS Code for gcc
Configure VS Code for Clang
Template Project - All compilers
Environmet setup - Other options
Online Compilers
About other IDEs
So you think you know more about C++, let's find out
Diving In
Project Template
Your First C++ Program
Statements and Functions
Data input and output
Data Output
C++ Program Execution Model
C++ core language Vs Standard library Vs STL
Program Structure
The program wants to know where you live
Variables and Data Types
Number Systems
Decimals and Integers
Integer Modifiers
Fractional Numbers
Declare and initialize variables
Characters And Text
Data Representation in memory
Number systems
Let's see how you'd use your data types
Operations on Data
Basic Operations
Precedence and Associativity
Prefix/Postfix Increment & Decrement
Compound Assignment Operators
Logical Operators
Output formatting
Numeric Limits
Math Functions
Area of a hexagon
Weird Integral Types
Celcius to Fahrenheit
Area and Volume of a Box
Literals and Constants
Constant Expressions
Data Conversions : Overflow & Underflow
Implicit Data Conversions
Explicit Data Conversions
Overflow and Underflow
Bitwise Operators
Printing Integers in Binary
Shift Operators
Logical Bitwise Operators
Compound Bitwise and Assignment Operators
Mask Example
Packing Color Information
Variable Lifetime and Scope
Variable Lifetime
Variable Scope
Control Flow
If Statements
Else If
Leap Years
Short Circuit Evaluations
Integral Logic Conditions
Ternary Operators
If constexpr
If with Initializer
Switch with Initializer
Variable Scope Revisited
Switch Scope
Is it even ? Or could it be odd
Will you get the treatment
Is the day valid
Hunt for a day in the past
Are you completely surrounded
For Loop
So you think you have a better idea about loops in C++? Let's find out!
Can you sum up to 99?
For Loop : Multiple Declarations
Print upper case characters
Comma Operator
Range Based For Loop
Filter in multiples of 3
While Loop
I am stingy! I want to pay as less as possible
Huge Loops with Output
Do while loop
Multiples of 19
Infinite loops
Infinite Loops Practice
Decrementing Loops
Throwing you off
Nested Loops
Break and Continue
Fix the Calculator
For Loop with Init condition
Year Calendar
Declaring and using arrays
Eliminating duplicates
Size of an array
The collection is sorted
Arrays of characters
Hunt for vowels
Array Bounds
Array bounds. Why care
Generating Random Numbers
Fun with character arrays : Fortune Teller V1
What do we have in common
Multi dimensional arrays
Multi dimensional arrays of characters
Fun with multi dimensional arrays of characters : Fortune Teller V2
The Calculator
Declaring and using pointers
Pointer to char
So you think you know more about pointers now
Arrays of pointer to char
const pointer and pointer to const
Array of const pointer to const char
Pointers and arrays
Where does the big guy live
Swapping array data : A demo
Pointer arithmetic : Introduction
Pointer Arithmetic : Navigation
Shoot forward
Pointer arithmetic : Distance between elements
Finding Nemo : The little guy
Pointer Arithmetic : Comparing Pointers
Swapping array data : Pointer arithmetic
Program Memory Map Revisited
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Dangling Pointers
So you think you know a bit more about dangling pointers? Let's find out!
When new fails
Null pointer safety
Memory Leaks
Dynamically allocated arrays
Merge them
Declaring and using references
Declare your own reference
Comparing pointers and references
What's your pick : pointers ? References
References and const
Going through references to do stuff
References with Range based for loops
Character manipulation and strings
Character Manipulation
How many of them are there
Hunt them down and replace them
C-string manipulation
C-String concatenation and copy
Making sense of the gibrish
Introducing std::string
Declaring and using std::string
Concatenating std::string
Build from raw pieces!
Accessing Characters in std::string
std::string size and capacity
Modifying std::string
Comparing std::string's
Who's the greatest?
Comparing with std::string::compare()
std::string : Replacing, copying, resizing and swapping
Searching std::string
Finding matches
Transforming std::string to/from numbers
Escape sequences
Raw string literals
Escaping stuff
Copied Strings
Strings gone crazy
First hand on C++ Functions
Sum up the digits
Function declaration and definitions
Showing the odds!
Multiple Files : Revisition the Linker stage
Pass by value
Pass by const value
Pass by pointer
Pass by pointer to const
Pass by const pointer to const
Zooming in on function parameters
Pass by reference
Pass by const reference
Pointers, references and const : Throwing you off
Passing function parameters :Summary
Who has character
Array function parameters
Insertion sort - Challenging
Sized array function parameters
Passing sized arrays by reference
Array function parameters : Throwing you off!
Multi dimensional array function parameter
Default function arguments
Implicit Conversions
Implicit conversions with references
Implicit conversions with pointers
Implicit conversions with function parameters : Throwing you off!
string_view Parameters
Implicit conversions from std::string_view to std::string
constexpr functions
consteval functions
consteval functions : Throwing you off!
Maximum sub-sequence sum problem - Challenging.
Enums and Type aliases
Enumerated types (Enum Class)
Day of the week
Enum classes : Throwing you off
using enum
Legacy enumerated types
Enums : Throwing you off!
Type aliases
Arguments to main
Grab and use the arguments
Calculator V1
Calculator V2
Getting things out of functions
Input and output parameters
Even sums
Returning from functions (by value)
Returning by reference
Returning by pointer
Returning stuff : Throwing you off
Returning array element pointer
We messed up
Bare auto type deduction
Function return type deduction
Return type deduction with references
Function definitions with return type deduction
Type deductions : Throwing you off
Optional output from functions
Introducing std::optional
Optional output with std::optional
Optional data : Throwing you off
Function Overloading
Overloading with different parameters
Overloading with pointer parameters
Overloading with reference parameters
double, std::string and const char* overloads : Let's go!
Overloading with const parameters by value
Overloading with const pointer and pointer to const parameters
Overloading with const references
Overloading with default parameters
Crazy overloads : Throwing you off!
Lambda Functions
Declaring and using lambda functions
Capture lists
Capture all in context
Lambdas : Throwing you off!
Functions : The misfits
Static variables
Self Tracking Function
Odd series
Inline functions
Inlined functions : Throwing you off
Recursive Functions
Function call stack and debugging
The call stack
Debugging C++ applications
Debugging in VS Code
Debugging in CodeLite
Debugging in Microsoft Visual Studio
Debugging arrays, loops and pointers
Function Templates
Trying out function templates
Hunt them down
Template type deduction and explicit arguments
Template type deductions : Throwing you off
Template parameters by reference
Template specialization
Find'em const char* 's
Where do specializations go : Throwing you off!
Function templates with overloading
const char* function template overloads
Function template specializations Vs Overloads : Some additional reading
Function templates with multiple parameters
Put'em numbers together!
Template return type deduction with auto
Function templates in multiple files : Throwing you off!
Decltype and trailing return types
decltype and trailing return types : Throwing you off!
Declytpe auto
Default arguments
Non type template parameters
Find'em values!
Auto Function Templates
auto Function Templates : Throwing you off!
Named Template Parameters for Lambdas
Type traits
constexpr if
C++ 20 Concepts
Using Concepts
Adding stuff up : Throwing you off!
Building your own concepts
Put'em std::strings together!
Making up concepts : Throwing you off!
Zooming in on the requires clause
Combining concepts : Conjunction(&&) and Disjunction
Concepts : Throwing you off!
Put'em different types together!
Concepts and auto
Your First Class
You're a box maker!
Building for the 2D space!
C++ Constructors
Box Constructors
Construct'em Points!
Defaulted constructors
Constructors : Throwing you off!
Setters and Getters
Point printing like a gentleman!
Class Across Multiple Files
Split your boxes in parts.
Creating classes through IDEs
Arrow pointer call notation
Pointers to objects : Throwing you off!
Order of Constructor Destructor Calls
The this Pointer
Setter Chains for Points with pointers
Setter Chains for Points with references
struct Vs class : Throwing you off!
Size of objects
Classes, objects and const
const objects
Const objects : Throwing you off!
Const objects as function arguments
Tricky arguments : Throwing you off
const member functions
Fixing up your Point
Getters that work as setters
Kill two birds with one stone
Dangling pointers and references in objects
Tricky return values : Throwing you off!
Zooming in on const
Mutable Member variables
Structured Bindings
Diving deep into constructors and initialization
Default parameters for constructors
Default Points
Several paths leading to Rome!
Initializer lists for constructors
Build Boxes like a gentleman!
Initializer lists Vs Member wise copy initialization
Explicit constructors
Constructor delegation
Delegated constructor for Box
Tricky constructor delegation chains
Copy constructors
Copy Constructors : Throwing you off!
You're a Point fixer!
Objects stored in arrays are copies
You're a shape observer!
Shallow Vs Deep copy
Move constructors
The need for move constructors
Deleted constructors
Delete your constructor
Initializer list constructors
Aggregate Initialization
Designated Initializers (C++20)
Uniform initializatoin for aggregates
Friend functions
Measuring distances
Friend classes
You're a ShapeFactory maker!
Static members
Introduction (theory)
Static Members
Static member variables
Static Members : Throwing you off!
Count'em Points
Inline static member variables (C++17)
Static constants
Static constants pre C++17
Count Points like a gentleman
Cool Utility
Member variables of self type
Member variables of other types
Static member functions
Static member functions : Throwing you off!
Nested classes
In class member initialization revisited
Creating Namespaces
Use Points like a gentleman
Namespaces Across Multiple Files
Split your points across
Default Global Namespace
Make it global
Built In Namespaces
Using Declarations
Using declarations : Throwing you off!
Anounymous Namespaces
Anonymous namespaces : Throwing you off!
Nested Namespaces
Namespace Aliases
Programs with multiple files : A closer look
Compiling and linking : Compilation Model
Compiling and Linking : Throwing you off!
Declarations and definitions
Declaration or Definition : Throwing you off!
One Definition Rule
Global external variables
Linnkage : Throwing you off!
Flipping linkage
Inline variables and functions
Inline Vs static (anonymous namespaces)
Forward declarations
Smart Pointers
Unique pointers
Smarth Pointers : Throwing you off!
Release memory like a gentleman!
You can do better!
Unique pointers as function parameters and return values
Tricky parameters : Throwing you off!
Unique pointers and arrays
Shared pointers
Shared pointers : You can do better!
Creating shared pointers from unique pointers
Shared pointers with arrays
Shared pointers as function parameters and return values
Smart Pointers : Throwing you off!
Weak pointers
Smart pointer members : Recommended reading
Smart Pointers conventional wisdom
Operator Overloading
Addition Operator as Member
operator+ for Multi-dimensional Points
Addition Operator as Non-Member
Adding up strings
Multi-dimensional Points : Non member operator+
Subscript Operator for Reading
Read data like a genteleman
Subscript Operator for Reading and Writing
Subscript Operator for Collection Types
Stream Insertion Operation Operator
You'll print Points!
You'll print your own strings!
Stream Extraction Operator
Other Arithmetic Operators
Compound Operators && Reusing Other Operators
Compound operators : Throwing you off!
operator+= for CU::string
Custom Type Conversions
Implicit Conversions with Overriden Binary Operators
Use CU::strings left and right, like a gentleman.
Unary Prefix Increment Operator As Member
Unary Prefix Increment Operator as Non-Member
Unary Postfix Increment Operator
Prefix-Postfix Decrement Operator (Exercise)
Copy Assignment Operator
Copies : Throwing you off!
CU::string copy assignment operator
Copy Assignment Operator for Other Types
Type Conversions Recap
Distance function object
[Optional] Your very own string class
Logical Operators and C++ 20 Three Way Comparison Infrastructure
All Logical Operators
You'll compare CU::string's
Rel Ops Namespace
Rel Ops going forward
Logical Operators with Implicit Conversions
Compare like a gentleman
Three way comparison operator
operator<=> : Throwing you off!
Defaulted Equality Operator
Are Points equal ? Or not equal ?
Custom equality operator
Are CU::string's equal? : C++20 Mode!
Default ordering with spaceship operator
Default Ordered Points
Members without the spaceship operator
Custom spaceship operator for ordering
Equality and ordering for CU::string
Logical Operators Simplified
Spaceship operator as a non member
Zooming in on weak ordering - Example 1
Zooming on weak ordering - Example 2
Zooming on partial ordering
Summing up on comparisons in C++ 20
First try on Inheritance
You'll fix the hierarchy
Protected members
Member access specifiers : Throwing you off!
Get it to work
Base and Derived : Throwing you off balance!
Base class access specifiers : Zooming in
Base class access specifiers : A demo
Base class access specifiers : Throwing you off!
Closing in on Private Inheritance
Resurecting Members Back in Context
You'll bring them back!
Default Constructors with Inheritance
Mix'em up!
Custom Constructors With Inheritance
Chain'em Constructors
Copy Constructors with Inheritance
Copy construct'em with inheritance
Inheriting Base Constructors
Inherited base constructors : Throwing you off
Inheritance and Destructors
Reused Symbols in Inheritance
Static Binding with Inheritance
Static binding : Throwing you off!
Dynamic binding with virtual functions
Build a dynamic inheritance tree
Help! Help! Weird references here!
Size of polymorphic objects and slicing
Sliced off ? : Throwing you off!
Polymorphic objects stored in collections (array)
Overloading, overriding and function hiding
Tricky Overloads
Tricky Hierarchies : Throwing you off!
Inheritance and Polymorphism at different levels
Inheritance and polymorphism with static members
Static members with inheritance
Final and Override are not keywords
Polymorphic functions and access specifiers
Non polymorphic functions and access specifiers
Virtual functions with default arguments
Virtual Destructors
Dynamic casts
Polymorphic Functions and Destructors
typeid() operator
Pure virtual functions and abstract classes
Abstract Classes as Interfaces
Exception Handling
Try and Catch Blocks and scope
Divide like a boss!
The need for exceptions
Handling Exceptions At Different Levels
Lots of levels : Throwing you off!
Multiple Handlers for an Exception
Nested Try Blocks
Nest your errors : Throwing you off!
Throwing Classs Objects
Build your own
Exceptions as Class Objects with Inheritance Hierarchies
Relatives : Throwing you off!
Polymorphic Exceptions
Relatives, again! : Throwing you off!
Program custom termination
Ellipsis catch all block
noexcept Specifier
Exceptions in Destructors
Standard Exceptions
Catching Standard Exceptions
Throwing Standard Exceptions
Read files like a gentleman!
Subclassing Standard Exceptions
BoxContainer class : Practicing what we know
Constructing and destructing
Adding and Expanding
Removing Items
Other operators (=,+,+=)
Zooming out on BoxContainer
Storing In Different Types
Class Templates
Your First Class Template
Building your maps!
Instances Of Class templates
Keeping track of your instances : Throwing you off!
Non type template parameters
Multi dimensional points : The swiss army knife class
Compatible points ? : Throwing you off!
Default Values for template parameters
Sane Defaults
Explicit Template Instantiations
Template Specialization
Compare your maps!
Specialized maps : Throwing you off!
Tempate Specialization with select methods
Comparing Maps ? Not again!!
Comparing Maps. Yes. Again! : Throwing you off!
Friends of class templates[Theory intro]
Friend functions for class templates
Stream insertion operator for class templates
Stream insert'em Points!
Stream insert'em Maps!
Class templates with type traits and static asserts
Type traits constrained Maps!
Class templates with C++ 20 concepts
Built In Concepts
Concept constrain your maps!
Concepts Example #1
Concepts Example #2
Making points better to use with operator<<
Move Semantics
Move Semantics : What they're all about
Lvalues and Rvalues
Lvalues and Rvalues : Throwing you off!
Rvalue references
Rvalue references : Throwing you off!
Moving temporaries around
Move constructors and assignment operators
Moving from CU::string's
Moving Lvalues with std::move
Invalidating pointers after std::move
Move only types
Passing by rvalue reference
Function Like Entities
Function Pointers
Collection Sums
Callback Functions
Modifying scores
Function Pointer Type Aliases
Function Pointer Type Aliases with Templates
Functor score modifiers
Standard Functors (in the header)
Functors with parameters
Color Printer
Functors and lambda functions
Lambda functions as callbacks
Capturing by value under the hood
Capturing by reference under the hood
Mixin capturing
Capturing the this pointer
scores modifying std::function
STL, Containers and Iterators
Traversing container subsets with iterators
Reverse iterarators
Constant iterators
Iterator types
std::begin and std::end
Zooming in on STL Containers
Sequence Containers : Deque
Sequence Containers : Forward list
Sequence Containers : List
Print positions
Sequence containers : std::vector revisited
Sequence Containers : std::array revisited
Associative Containers : Intro
Associative Containers : Pair
Associative Containers : Set
Associative Containres : Map
Associative Containers : Multiset & multimap
Unordered Associative Containers
Container Adaptors : Intro
Container Adaptors : Stack
Container Adaptors: Queue
Container Adaptors : Priority queue
STL Algorithms
All of
max_element and min_element
C++20 Ranges and Range Algorithms
Range Algorithms
C++ 20 Ranges Library Iterator Pair Algorithms
Views and and Range Adaptors
View composition and Pipe operator
Range Factories
Building Custom Iterators for Your Containers
Iterator Powers
Custom Iterator Theory
Building Custom Input Iterators
Building Custom Output Iterators
Building Custom Forward Iterators
Building Custom Bidirectional Iterators
Building Custom Random Access Iterators
Custom Iterators with C++ 20 Ranges and Views
Constant Iterators
Raw Pointers as Iterators
Wrapping Iterators From Other Containers
C++ 20 Coroutines
Coroutine workflow
Coroutine keywords
Couroutine Infrastructure
Custom Generator Coroutine Type
Third Party Generator Type
C++ 20 Modules
Your First Module
Block Export
Separating the Module Interface from the Implementation(Same File)
Separating the Module Interface from the Implementation(Different Files)
Multiple Implementatyion Files
Multiple Interface Files
Export Import
Module Interface Partitions
Custom Class Templates as Modules (BoxContainer)
Modules with Namespaces
Visibility and Reachability
Private Module Fragments
Do's and Don't's