University of Michigan - The Total Data Quality Framework
- Offered byCoursera
The Total Data Quality Framework at Coursera Overview
Duration | 12 hours |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Beginner |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
The Total Data Quality Framework at Coursera Highlights
- Earn a Certificate upon completion University of Michigan
The Total Data Quality Framework at Coursera Course details
- Identify the essential differences between designed and gathered data and summarize the key dimensions of the Total Data Quality (TDQ) Framework
- Define the three measurement dimensions of the Total Data Quality framework, and describe potential threats to data quality along each of these dimensions for both gathered and designed data
- Define the three representation dimensions of the Total Data Quality framework, and describe potential threats to data quality along each of these dimensions for both gathered and designed data
- Describe why data analysis defines an important dimension of the Total Data Quality framework, and summarize potential threats to the overall quality of an analysis plan for designed and/or gathered data
The Total Data Quality Framework at Coursera Curriculum
Introduction, Different Types of Data and the Total Data Quality Framework
Welcome to the Specialization and Course 1!
Introduction to Course 1: The Total Data Quality Framework
What Are Designed Data?
Example: Developing an Online Survey with SurveyMonkey
What are Gathered Data?
Example: Scraping Data from the Web
Hybrid Data: Designed and Gathered
The Total Data Quality Framework
Interview: Perspectives on the Meaning of Total Data Quality
Course Syllabus
Meet your Instructors
Course Pre-Survey
Interview Guest Biographies
Measurement and Representation Concepts
Measurement Dimensions of Total Data Quality: Validity, Data Origin, and Data Processing
Defining Validity
Threats to Validity for Designed Data
Cognitive Interviewing (Think Aloud)
Try It Out: Using The Survey Quality Predictor Application
Threats to Validity for Gathered Data
Defining Data Origin
Data Origin Threats for Designed Data
Data Origin Threats for Gathered Data
Defining Data Processing
Data Processing Threats for Designed Data
Case Study: Between-Coder Variance
Data Processing Threats for Gathered Data
Case Study: Author Name Ambiguity in Bibliographic Data
Interview Guest Biography
Case Study: The Google Flu Trends Example
Case Study: Suchman and Jordan, and Interviewer Effects
Case Study: COVID-19 Tracking in the U.S.
Case Study Guest Contributor Biographies
Understanding Validity
Understanding Data Origin
Understanding Data Processing
Representation Dimensions of Total Data Quality: Data Access, Data Source, and Data Missingness
Defining Data Access
Defining Target Populations
Part 1 of 2: Data Access Threats for Gathered Data
Part 2 of 2: Data Access Threats for Gathered Data
Case Study: Random Samples from Twitter APIs May Not Be Random
Data Access Threats for Designed Data
Case Study: Evaluating Sampling Frames/Commercial Data
Data Source Definition
Data Source Threats for Designed Data
Data Source Threats for Gathered Data
Case Study: How Content and User Characteristics Can Impact Quality of Gathered Data
Case Study: Who is Missing in Twitter User Data?
Defining Data Missingness
Data Missingness Threats for Designed Data
Imputing Missing Values Demo, Before and After Estimates
Data Missingness Threats for Gathered Data
Gathering Twitter Data Using APIs (code and step-by-step instructions)
Articles for the Case Study (Random Samples from Twitter APIs May Not Be Random)
Understanding Data Access
Understanding Data Missingness
Data Analysis as an Important Aspect of TDQ
Why is Data Analysis Part of Total Data Quality?
Threats to the Quality of Data Analysis for Designed Data
Demo: Alternative Approaches to Analyzing Survey Data
Threats Concerning Data Analysis for Gathered Data
Case Study: Algorithm Bias in Gathered Data
Case Study: Analytic Error in NCSES Surveys
Optional Tutorial: Using the Free R Software
Course Conclusion
References for The Total Data Quality Framework
Course Post-Survey
Data Analysis Threats