Yale University - Tropical Forest Landscapes 101: Conservation & Restoration
- Offered byCoursera
Tropical Forest Landscapes 101: Conservation & Restoration at Coursera Overview
Duration | 20 hours |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Beginner |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Tropical Forest Landscapes 101: Conservation & Restoration at Coursera Highlights
- Earn a Certificate upon completion from Yale University
Tropical Forest Landscapes 101: Conservation & Restoration at Coursera Course details
- This seven-week course explores the technical, social, and funding aspects of this timely topic
- 1. The importance of tropical forest landscapes and the actors and motivations driving restoration and conservation efforts
- 2. How tropical forest ecosystems work, and how they relate to climate change and biodiversity
- 3. Fundamental human dimensions to consider in any project, including human livelihoods and local property rights
Tropical Forest Landscapes 101: Conservation & Restoration at Coursera Curriculum
Why conserve and restore tropical forest landscapes?
The important role of tropical forest landscapes
Threats to tropical forests and degradation drivers
Opportunities and priorities for conservation and restoration
Defining "forests"
How definitions and values shape management
Who conserves and restores, and why?
Course structure
Pre-course Survey
Speaker introduction: Eva Garen
Forest and landscape restoration
Speaker introduction: Alicia Calle
What is a forest?
Conclusion and what's next
Importance, threats, and opportunities
Motivations for conservation and restoration
Ecology of tropical forest landscapes
Climate, history, and nutrients of tropical forests
What causes biological diversity?
Quantifying biodiversity
Theories on species coexistence
How forests influence climate
How climate change influences forests
Disturbance and equilibrium in forests
Documenting forest change - determing the baseline
Interactions between human and natural disturbances
Speaker introduction: Liza Comita
Climate change solutions
Drivers of degradation
Conclusion and what's next
Characteristics of tropical forests
Biodiversity in tropical forests
Tropical forests and climate
Forest disturbance and degradation
Social considerations for restoration and conservation
Forests and livelihoods
Defining livelihoods
Competition for resources and decision-making
Perspectives on livelihoods and conservation
Community forest management
Take home messages on livelihood considerations
Property rights vs. land tenure
Property rights as windows into society
Types of property
Key distinctions in different property rights
Hybrid systems of land tenure
Decoding multiple property relations in a landscape
Tenure security
Introduction to social considerations
Speaker introduction
Community forest management examples
Speaker introduction: Amity Doolittle
More on land tenure
Conclusion and what's next
Livelihoods and conservation
Property rights
Conservation strategies
Prioritizing areas to protect species
Biodiversity metrics
Species rarity
Diversity across landscapes
Dynamism across landscapes
Climate change and conservation
Conserving functional diversity
Animals and ecosystem services
Speaker introduction: Oswald Schmitz
Conservation practices
Climate and conservation
Conclusion and what's next
Conservation fundamentals
Conserving biodiversity
Conservation and landscapes
Functional diversity and ecosystem services
Restoration fundamentals
Definitions of restoration
Degradation levels and restoration treatments
Natural processes as the foundation for restoration
ANR: Reducing disturbance and competition
ANR: Facilitating growth and enrichment planting
ANR: Putting it all together
Definitions of reforestation
Species selection
Tree planting design
Other approaches and putting it all together
Farm-scale restoration
Landscape-scale restoration
Speaker introduction: Mark Ashton
Speaker introduction: Gillian Bloomfield
More on ANR
Resources for species selction
Applied nucleation
Speaker introduction: Zoraida Calle
Conclusion and what's next
Restoration basics
All about ANR
Restoration in practice
Agroforestry and agroecology
Agroforestry systems
Ideal characteristics of MPTS
Classification of AFS
Permanent crops with tree shade
Temporal systems
Agrosilvopastoral systems
Roles of agroforestry
Agroforestry and ecosystem services
Adoption of agroforestry systems
Monitoring and evaluation of agroforestry systems
Conclusions on agroforestry
Speaker introduction: Florencia Montagnini
Agroforestry guides
Agroforestry adoption
Conclusion and what's next
Agroforestry: basic concepts
Classification of agroforestry systems
Roles, adoption, and monitoring of AF systems
Funding conservation and restoration
Using financial tools
The time value of money
Net present value (NPV)
Investment example with scenarios
Introduction to foundations
Types of philanthropic support
Theory of change
Submitting a successful proposal
Limitations of foundation support
The importance and role of public finance
Subsidies, donors, and specialized funds
Blended finance
Introduction to this module
Current state of conservation financing
Speaker introduction: Dominick Grant
Additional tools for financial assessments
Speaker introduction: Marina Campos
Speaker introduction: David Meyers
Conservation Finance Guide
Congratulations and additional learning
Post-course survey
Using financial tools
Foundations and philanthropic support
Public finance for nature