Create a Project Management Tracker using Microsoft Excel
- Offered byCoursera
Create a Project Management Tracker using Microsoft Excel at Coursera Overview
Create a Project Management Tracker using Microsoft Excel
at Coursera
Gain a comprehensive overview of the Project Management principles and concepts
Duration | 2 hours |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Schedule type | Self paced |
Difficulty level | Beginner |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Create a Project Management Tracker using Microsoft Excel at Coursera Course details
Create a Project Management Tracker using Microsoft Excel
at Coursera
Skills you will learn
What are the course deliverables?
- Create a new workbook in Microsoft Excel and share the document with others
- Design and organize the project management tracker using formatting tools in Microsoft Excel
- Add content to the project tracking spreadsheet with dropdown lists and conditional formatting
More about this course
- Small business owners should turn to free or low-cost alternatives
- An easy-to-use and manageable alternative is a free online version of Microsoft Excel from Microsoft Office 365
- In this project, you will learn how to create a simple project management tracking sheet
- At the end of this project, you will have the Excel project management tracking template for the next presentation of your development project
Create a Project Management Tracker using Microsoft Excel at Coursera Curriculum
Create a Project Management Tracker using Microsoft Excel
at Coursera
Log into Microsoft Excel Online and open a blank spreadsheet.
Share a document in Microsoft Excel and organize the sections of the tracker
Use project management skills to develop a project tracking spreadsheet.
Add static content and drop-down menus to the project tracker
Add conditional formatting and hyperlinks to the project tracker
Create a Project Management Tracker using Microsoft Excel at Coursera Faculty details
Create a Project Management Tracker using Microsoft Excel
at Coursera
Paula Del Rey
Create a Project Management Tracker using Microsoft Excel at Coursera Admission Process
Create a Project Management Tracker using Microsoft Excel
at Coursera
Important Dates
May 25, 2024
Course Commencement Date
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Create a Project Management Tracker using Microsoft Excel
at Coursera
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