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Decision Making 

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Decision Making


28 hours

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Decision Making

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  • 21 quizzes, 3 assignments
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Decision Making
Course details

Skills you will learn
What are the course deliverables?
  • What you'll learn
  • Clarify the concept of decision-making in the context of organizations and its relevance for the managerial role.
  • Understand what are rational decisions, decision processes, decisions under risk, and the limits to our rationality in decision-making
  • Learn how to apply techniques to improve decision quality, such as PROACT, Decision Trees, Certainty Equivalent, Problem Solving Cycle, and MAP.
More about this course
  • In this course, you will learn the concept of decision making from the rational and psychological points of view. We will discuss the limits to rationality; the interplay between emotional thinking and rational thinking when making decisions; the systematic errors provoked by our cognitive biases and by the use of heuristics; the role of emotions and intuition in decisions; the aleatory errors (noise); and possible remedies and leverage on all these aspects when making decisions.

Decision Making

Decision making in organizations and its psychological aspects

Why making decisions?

What is a decision?

A decision process and a decision criteria

Models for decision making: humans and econs

Subjectivity and objectivity

Bounded rationality

Judgment and decision making

Limits to rationality: heuristics, biases, satisfice, system 1 and system 2, and intuition

Common biases in decisions

Availability heuristics

Egocentric bias

Planning fallacy

Sunk cost

Affective heuristics

Debiasing and its limits

Complement: Noise


Personality traits and decision styles

Intertemporal choices and time preferences

Practice quiz: Decision making in organizations

Practice quiz: Heuristics and Biases I

Practice quiz: Heuristics and Biases II

Practice quiz: Noise

Graded quiz: Decision making in organizations and limits to rationality

Judgment vs Decision making

Decision making process and problem solving

PrOACT I: A Decision making process

PrOACT I: Context and steps to use the PrOACT

PrOACT I: Define the problem

PrOACT I: Objectives

PrOACT II: Alternatives

PrOACT II: Consequences

PrOACT II: Examine the tradeoffs

Decision making from a problem solving approach

The scope of problem solving

Contextual facts

Define the problem

Structure the problem

Prioritize and plan


Synthesis and solution proposition

Propose solution

Even swaps

How to master the seven steps of problem solving

Six problem solving mindsets for very uncertain times

Practice quiz: PrOACT - Problem Framing and Objective

Practice quiz: PrOACT - Problem Alternatives, Consequences, and Tradeoffs

Practice quiz: Problem solving cycle

Graded quiz: Decision making process and problem solving

Decision analysis

What is decision analysis?

What is a good decision from a rational analytical?

Influence diagram

Probabilities and decision tree

Decision analysis application: An example of application

Decision analysis application: Solution

Decision analysis application: Solution II

Value of money over time

Sensitivity analysis

The merit of using rational techniques in decision making

The value of perfect information

Complementary reading: Decision analysis

Linked decisions

Risk profile and risk analysis

Expected value and attitudes towards risk

Maximization and utility function

Prospect theory

Case for staff graded assignments in weeks 3 to 5

Practice quiz: Decision analysis concepts

Practice quiz: Decision analysis application

Practice quiz: Decision analysis additional concepts

Graded quiz: Decision analysis

Decision analysis (individual)

Decision making in groups

Decision making in groups: Concepts I

Processes to help debiasing decisions in groups

Organizational decision making in groups

Sharing and aggregating information in groups I

Sharing and aggregating information in groups II

Strategies to make better decisions in groups

MAP - Mediating Assessment Protocol

Virtual teams

Decision in groups and biases


Ethics and Decision Making

Recording of Decision Making Live Session on 22-06-02 20:14:56 [08:30]

The dynamics of decision making in groups

Typology of groups

Nudge, Not Sludge



Practice quiz: Decision making in groups concepts

Practice quiz: Decision making in groups practice

Practice quiz: Nudge

Ethics in decision making

Graded quiz: Decision making in groups

Decision making in groups (in teams)

New perspectives in decision making

When decisions are experiments

Type 2 Decisions

Formulating Hypothesis and Experiments

Artificial Intelligence and decision making

Decision making in complex and chaotic environments

Why the Lean Start-Up Changes Everything

Decision making and decision support system

A Leader's framework for decision making

Practice quiz: Experiments

Practice quiz: Artificial intelligence

Practice quiz: Decision making in complex and chaotic environments

Graded quiz: New perspectives in decision making

New perspectives in decision making (in teams)

Teammate Review

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