UPenn - Entrepreneurship 1: Developing the Opportunity
- Offered byCoursera
Entrepreneurship 1: Developing the Opportunity at Coursera Overview
Duration | 11 hours |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Entrepreneurship 1: Developing the Opportunity at Coursera Highlights
- 56% started a new career after completing these courses.
- 57% got a tangible career benefit from this course.
- Earn a shareable certificate upon completion.
Entrepreneurship 1: Developing the Opportunity at Coursera Course details
- How does a good idea become a viable business opportunity? What is entrepreneurship and who fits the profile of an entrepreneur? This introductory course is designed to introduce you to the foundational concepts of entrepreneurship, including the definition of entrepreneurship, the profile of the entrepreneur, the difference between entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial management, and the role of venture creation in society. You'll explore where technology entrepreneurship and impact entrepreneurship align and where they diverge, and you'll learn proven techniques for identifying the opportunity, assessing the opportunity, hypothesis testing and creating a prototype.
- By the end of this course, you'll know how to test, validate and prototype your idea, and also whether or not you fit the profile of an entrepreneur! You'll also be ready to move on to the next phase of entrepreneurship in Entrepreneurship 2: Launching the Start-Up.
Entrepreneurship 1: Developing the Opportunity at Coursera Curriculum
Introduction and Course Materials
0.1 Introduction to the Professors and Wharton
0.2 What Is Entrepreneurship?
0.3 Can You Teach Entrepreneurship?
1.1 Course Introduction
1.2 Profile of the Entrepreneur
1.3 Entrepreneurship in Established Firms
1.4 Venture Creation's Role in Society
1.5 Types of Enterprises
1.6 Technology Entrepreneurship
1.7 Impact Entrepreneurship
(Optional) The Role of Venture Creation in Society: Interview: Andy Rachleff, Founder, Wealthfront, Co-founder, Benchmark Capital
(Optional) Entrepreneurship in Established Companies: Interview with Scott Mills, EVP, Chief Administrator Officer, Viacom
PDFs of Lecture Slides
Audio Interviews with the Founders of Terrafugia and Wanderu
Module 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship Quiz
Module 2: Opportunity Analysis
2.1 Opportunities and Uncertainty
2.2 Push and Pull and the Sources of Innovation
2.3 Customers as Sources of Opportunities
2.4 Importance of the Idea (VIDE Model)
2.5 Assessing Opportunities
2.6 The Tournament Approach
(Optional) From Idea to Opportunity: Interview with Amy Errett
PDFs of Lecture Slides
Audio Interviews with Founders of TemperPack and Of Mercer
Module 2: Opportunity Analysis Quiz
Module 3: Markets, Need-Finding and Planning
3.1 Defining the Focal Market
3.2 Understanding User Needs
3.3 Competitive Analysis
3.4 Generating Ideas with Individuals and Groups
3.5 Planning: Assumptions
3.6 Planning: Discovery Driven Planning
3.7 Planning: Discovery Driven Planning Worksheet
(Optional) Talent Management and Development: Interview with Jackie Reses
PDFs of Lecture Slides and Better Desk Spreadsheet
Audio Interview with Founders of Minibar and Relay Rides
Module 3: Markets, Need Finding and Plannning Quiz
Module 4: Pitching, Testing, and Prototyping
4.1 The Elevator Pitch
4.2 Testing your Idea: Customer Interviews
4.3 Testing your Idea: Surveys
4.4 Creating a Prototype: Physical Goods
4.5 Creating a Prototype: Software
4.6 Creating a Prototype: Services
4.7 Summary and What's Ahead
(Optional) Launching a Start-up: Interview with Co-founders of Prayas Analytics
PDF's of Lecture Slides
Audio Interview with Founders of Caviar
Module 4: Pitching, Testing and Prototype Quiz