Griffith University - Future-proofing the Health Workforce
- Offered byFutureLearn
Future-proofing the Health Workforce at FutureLearn Overview
Future-proofing the Health Workforce
at FutureLearn
Duration | 2 weeks |
Total fee | ₹2,205 |
Mode of learning | Online |
Credential | Certificate |
Future-proofing the Health Workforce at FutureLearn Highlights
Future-proofing the Health Workforce
at FutureLearn
- Duration 2 weeks
- Weekly study 3 hours
- Digital upgrade Free
Future-proofing the Health Workforce at FutureLearn Course details
Future-proofing the Health Workforce
at FutureLearn
More about this course
- The health workforce is a critical building block in a strong healthcare system, but skills shortages are a problem across the world, particularly in rural and remote areas. So, how do we keep the health workforce current, motivated and properly distributed?
- You'll explore the current challenges in the healthcare workforce, and various approaches to attracting, training and retaining workers. You'll cover a number of health workforce models, the role of the clinician leader, the complexities of an intergenerational workforce, and how to tackle the undersupply of health professionals.
Future-proofing the Health Workforce at FutureLearn Curriculum
Future-proofing the Health Workforce
at FutureLearn
Health workforce - our people are the future
Getting started
Setting the scene - health workforce is a global concern
Clinicians as workforce leaders
Understanding check and wrap up
Challenges and Solutions
Intergenerational workforce
A globally mobile health workforce
Innovation and evidence based practice
Wrap Up
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Future-proofing the Health Workforce
at FutureLearn
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