Princeton University - Global Systemic Risk
- Offered byCoursera
Global Systemic Risk at Coursera Overview
Duration | 21 hours |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Schedule type | Self paced |
Difficulty level | Beginner |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Global Systemic Risk at Coursera Highlights
- Flexible deadlines Reset deadlines in accordance to your schedule.
- 100% online Start instantly and learn at your own schedule.
- Beginner Level
Global Systemic Risk at Coursera Course details
- The course will be of interest to those studying global affairs, system dynamics, and world governance. It offers a set of heuristics that students can use to analyze contemporary global challenges. Linking the recording of Abbey Road to the COVID-19 pandemic provides new insights into the apparently chaotic world around us.
- Complex systems form the backbone of our increasingly interconnected and interdependent society. What were once more localized economies, supply chains, and social-ecological systems are now rapidly globalizing, and interacting with one another across countless spatial and temporal scales as technologies expand at ever greater velocities. These tightly coupled systems deliver greater efficiency and prosperity, but at the cost of greater fragility and the threat of catastrophic failure.
Global Systemic Risk at Coursera Curriculum
Week 1: Introduction, What is Globalization, Debating Globalization
Global Systemic Risk
What is Globalization?
Defining Globalization: Human Mobility
Defining Globalization: Money
Defining Globalization: Trade
Defining Globalization: Governance
Defining Globalization: Infrastructure
Why Globalization?
Debating Globalization
Debating Globalization: Inequality
Debating Globalization: Environment
Migration: A Conversation with Doug Massey
Environment: A Conversation with Michael Oppenheimer
Economy as a System: A Conversation with Doyne Farmer
Welcome to the Course!
Week 1: Overview
Week 1 Quiz
Week 2: Systems and Networks
Complex Adaptive Systems
Complexity Theory
Mechanisms of Complex Systems
System Robustness and Resilience
Types of Networks
Ecological Thinking: A Conversation with Simon Levin
Network Flows and Queuing Theory: A Conversation with Bill Massey
Data Management: A Conversation with Mike Atkin
Week 2: Overview
Week 2 Quiz
Week 3: Risk and GSR
Sources of Risk
Additional Sources of Risk
Global Systemic Risk
An Intractable Challenge
Examples of Global Systemic Risk
Uncertainty and Risk: A Conversation with Elke Weber
Critical Infrastructure: A Conversation with Paul Larcey
Cyber-physical Networks: A Conversation with Jen Rexford
Risk in History: A Conversation with Soraya Boudia
Week 3: Overview
Week 3 Quiz
Week 4: Trade and Finance
Trade Linkages
Supply Chains
Trade and Risk
Finance and Risk
Agriculture: A Conversation with Pedro Sanchez
Finance: A Conversation with Andrew Lo
Week 4: Overview
Week 4 Quiz
Week 5: COVID-19 and Governance
Coronavirus and Effects
Impact on Links
Impact on Nodes
Epidemiology: A Conversation with Jessica Metcalf
Week 5: Overview
Week 5 Quiz
Week 6: Collapse
Social Collapse
Defining Collapse
Mechanisms of Collapse
Systemic Collapse and Recovery: A Conversation with Mauro Guille?n
Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Conversation with Zia Mian
What is the Worst That Could Happen? A Conversation with Martin Rees
Week 6: Overview
Week 6 Quiz