ESSEC Business School - France - Hôtel ?De l'étoile? - a hotel in crisis?
- Offered byCoursera
Hôtel ?De l'étoile? - a hotel in crisis? at Coursera Overview
Duration | 5 hours |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Hôtel ?De l'étoile? - a hotel in crisis? at Coursera Highlights
- Shareable Certificate Earn a Certificate upon completion
- 100% online Start instantly and learn at your own schedule.
- Course 4 of 4 in the Hotel Management: Distribution, Revenue and Demand Management Specialization
- Flexible deadlines Reset deadlines in accordance to your schedule.
- Approx. 5 hours to complete
- English Subtitles: English
Hôtel ?De l'étoile? - a hotel in crisis? at Coursera Course details
- In this case study based exercise, you will apply the knowledge you have gained about distribution, revenue and demand management to a ?real? world case ? Hotel ?De l'étoile? - a prestigious upmarket internationally branded property in Paris that to the outside world seems to be doing well but is in fact unprofitable for its owner.
- Actual data of the distribution performance, revenue management tactics, financial situation will be provided by the hotel partner. In addition detailed information about the hotel?s competitive environment will be provided by several industry partners. Video interviews with senior managers from the property will be used to supplement written material to create a more real world experience.
- As the new Director of Business Development hired to help the hotel decide how to proceed, you will evaluate the hotel?s current policies and performance, making recommendations for improvements and and plan how best to implement them.
Hôtel ?De l'étoile? - a hotel in crisis? at Coursera Curriculum
Situational analysis
Introduction to the capstone project: Peter O'Connor
Situational Analysis: Peter O'Connor
First Interview with Greg Sayer, Owner of the hotel
Interview with Gabriella Bidewell, General Manager
Discussion between Sally Smith and Fred Adam, Revenue Mangers
Set up by Peter O'Connor and reaction from the owner of the hotel about this analysis
Hotel de l'étoile income statement
Hotel de l'étoile Distribution Report
Hotel de l'Etoile market segmentation report
Smith Travel Research Report: Trend report
Hotel location map
Questionning the brand?
Reaction of the owner about your analysis of the brand and presentation of the possible options by Peter O'Connor
Recommendations to the board Family
Implement your idea operationally:Peter O'Connor
Implementation of the strategy
11. Wrap up: Peter O'Connor