Arizona State University - Material Jetting and Stereolithography
- Offered byCoursera
Material Jetting and Stereolithography at Coursera Overview
Duration | 5 hours |
Start from | Start Now |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Material Jetting and Stereolithography at Coursera Highlights
- Shareable Certificate
Quizzes and assessments
Flexible schedule
Material Jetting and Stereolithography at Coursera Course details
- This course looks at two photopolymer resin-based processes: material jetting and stereolithography
- We walk through the build preparation, printing, and post-processing for both processes, and discuss the kinds of applications for which these processes are well suited
- In addition, learner will note that some of the lectures feature our department graduate students
- These excellent students are sometimes closer to the material, having learned it recently, so we greatly appreciate their participation in the instructional process
Material Jetting and Stereolithography at Coursera Curriculum
Course Introduction
Introduction to This Course
Instructor Bio
Module 3.1: Material Jetting
Lecture Video: Introduction to Material Jetting
Lecture Video: Material Jetting Build Preparation and Machine Setup
Lecture Video: Material Jetting Post-Processing
Suggested Reading: The State of the Art of Material Jetting (optional)
Suggested Viewing: Material Jetting Applications (Optional)
Check Your Knowledge (CYK)
Module 3.2: Stereolithography
Lecture Video: Introduction to Stereolithography
Lecture Video: Stereolithography Build Preparation
Lecture Video Stereolithography Machine Setup
Lecture Video: Stereolithography Post-Processing
Suggested Reading: A Review of Stereolithography: Processes and Systems (optional)
Check Your Knowledge (CYK)
Module 3.3: Course Project and Wrap-Up
Lecture Video: Introduction to Course 3 Project
Lecture Video: Using a Durometer
Course 3 Project Solution
Course 3 Wrap-up
Course 3 Project: Applying Material Jetting Processes in a Case Study
Video Sources
Check Your Knowledge (CYK)
Course 3 Project: Self Reflection