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Redis: The Complete Developer's Guide
- Offered byUDEMY
Redis: The Complete Developer's Guide at UDEMY Overview
Duration | 16 hours |
Total fee | ₹399 |
Mode of learning | Online |
Credential | Certificate |
Redis: The Complete Developer's Guide at UDEMY Highlights
- 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
- Certificate of completion
- Full lifetime access
- Learn from 66 downloadable resources and 13 articles
Redis: The Complete Developer's Guide at UDEMY Course details
- Use Redis as an incredibly fast database for a backend application
- Extend the functionality of Redis by using custom scripts and modules
- Add, update, and query your data using simple and flexible commands
- Get hands-on experience by adding Redis to a complex E-Commerce project
- Handle concurrency issues by using powerful synchronization primitives
- Utilize data streams to add durable communication between servers
- Host your Redis database in AWS, GCP, or Azure using Redis Cloud
- Analyze and balance the tradeoffs of Redis's different data structures
- In a world with hundreds of different databases, one database rises to rule them all. Redis is an in-memory database known for its speed and simplicity. Originally used only for simple caching, its feature set has expanded to be one of the most versatile databases around. This course will teach you everything you need to know to integrate Redis into a new or existing project. Get hands-on experience with commands used to add, update, and query data Apply best practices and numerous design patterns by adding Redis to an E-Commerce app Understand and extend the internals of Redis by using modules and scripts Go beyond Redis with a deep look at fundamental concurrency issues and solutions Data structures form the heart of Redis. Rather than hiding functionality behind complex abstractions, Redis exposes several powerful data structures that developers use to store and query data. Learning about these different data structures is the key to mastering Redis. This course focuses on making sure that you understand the difference between a sorted set and a hash. After completing this course, you'll understand when to use each structure and the benefits and drawbacks to each. Don't have a background in algorithms or data structures? That's OK! Everything in this course assumes you have no prior knowledge.Almost all top companies around the world use Redis. Twitter, GitHub, Snapchat, Craigslist, StackOverflow - they all use Redis! Nearly every major web product you use on a daily basis utilizes Redis behind the scenes. And its not just large companies that use Redis - small startups do as well. To understand Redis, you must use Redis. Just memorizing commands isn't enough. You need to get your hands dirty! With that in mind, you'll work through many exercises and quizzes. In addition, throughout this entire course you will build a large E-Commerce application using Redis. Don't worry - you won't need to write any frontend code. As we learn new topics in Redis, we will add new features to our E-Commerce app. You'll get to see why and when we use each major feature of Redis. Built-in cheatsheets. Many resources about Redis show running commands in a terminal window. This approach makes it hard to remember even the most basic commands. In this course, you'll take a different approach. I built a standalone webapp called RBook just for you to use in this course. This app allows you to run commands against your own Redis instance and document them at the same time, making it easy for you to refer back to your notes in the future. Of course, you don't have to use RBook if you don't want to!Effective learning. Everything in this course is designed to make your learning process as easy as possible.At every step, I will teach you what Redis is doing internally, and help you understand how to twist and bend Redis to better suit your application's needs.Every single video in the course has an attached ZIP file containing up-to-date code, just in case you ever get stuck.Full-time teaching assistants are standing by to help answer your questions.Access to a private live chat server is included. Live help whenever you need it!Soooo much more. Here's a partial of some of the things you will do in this course:Write basic commands to store, update, and query dataPractice your skills with exercises and quizzesUse almost every major feature of Redis to build an E-Commerce appEnforce data constraints using sets, sorted sets, and lists Understand when to use each of Redis's major data structures Apply numerous design patterns to integrate Redis into an existing codebase Securely deploy a Redis instance using AWS, GCP, or Azure through Redis Cloud Collect stats and metrics sourced from a live API Communicate between different servers using Streams Master the concept of transactions to safely store data Implement a standard locking algorithm to solve concurrency issues Redis is known for being simple, but it is still hard to learn. You're given a huge toolbox with tons of features, but no clear guidance on when to use each feature. This course aims to give you direction. You'll understand why each feature exists, and when to use them in real apps. You will find learning Redis a delightful experience and pick up a tremendous amount of knowledge along the way.
Redis: The Complete Developer's Guide at UDEMY Curriculum
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Course Resources
Why Use Redis?
Initial Setup
A Touch More Setup
Running RBook Locally
Commands for Adding and Querying Data
Basic Commands
Documentation on Commands
Essentials of Commands
Variations of SET
Use Case of Expiration Options
Setting Multiple Keys
String Ranges
Are These Commands Even Useful?
Dealing with Numbers
Again... Why do These Commands Exist?
Completed Notes
Using a Completed Notebook
A Few Exercises
Exercise Solutions
E-Commerce App Setup
E-Commerce App Source Code Download
Don't Skip This Video
Redis Client Libraries
First Implementation Task
Redis Design Methodology
Key Naming Methodology
Adding Page Caching
Better Key Generation
Local Redis Setup
Installing on MacOS
Installing on Windows
Hash Data Structures
Hashes in Redis
Storing and Retrieving Hashes
Deleting Hash Data
Numbers in Hashes
Completed Notes
Redis Has Gotcha's!
Slightly Unpredictable HSET and HGETALL
Issues with HSET
Issues with HGETALL
Powerful Design Patterns
App Overview
Reducing the Design to Queries
What Data Type for Each Resource
When to use Hashes
Create User Implementation
Serialization and Deserialization
Adding Serialize
Fetching a User
Implementing Sessions
Fetching a Saved Session
Creating Sessions
Serializing Date Times
Storing Items
Fetching a Single Item
Pipelining Commands
Batching Commands with Pipelines
Running Multiple Commands at the Same Time
Executing a Pipeline
Enforcing Uniqueness with Sets
Basics of Sets
Union of Sets
Intersection of Sets
Difference of Sets
Store Variations
Checking for an Element in a Set
Scanning a Set
Completed Notes
Most Common Use Cases of Sets
A Little Set Implementation
Requiring Unique User Names
Adding a Like System
How to Count the Number of Likes?
Updating Like Quantities
Showing Liked Items
Showing Common Liked Items
Organizing Data with Sorted Sets
Sorted Sets
Adding and Removing Members
Finding a Range of Scores
Removing the Highest and Lowest Members
Updating Scores
Querying a Sorted Set
Completed Notes
Practice Time with Sorted Sets!
Sorted Set Use Cases
Reminder on the Auth Flow
Storing Usernames
Kind of Storing Strings in Sorted Sets
Converting User IDs
Plan for Showing Most Viewed Items
Initializing Views on Item Creation
Incrementing View Counters
Items by Ending Soonest
Querying for Ending Soonest
From Relational Data to Redis
Loading Relational Data
Relational Data with SORT
The Sort Command
Terminology Around Sort
Specifying the BY Argument
Joining Data with Sort
A Few More Arguments
Parsing SORT Output
Completed Notes
HyperLogLog Structures
When to use HyperLogsLogs
HyperLogsLogs in Action
Storing Collections with Lists
Reading and Writing Data to a List
Ranges and Searches
Trimming Lists
Removing Elements
List Use Cases
Using Lists in Our App
Serializing and Deserializing Bids
Retrieving Bid Histories
More Practice with the E-Commerce App
More on Bids
Validating Bids
Updating Items with Bids
Issues with Bids
Understanding Concurrency Issues
Applying Atomic Updates
Watching a Key with Transactions
Isolated Connections for Transactions
Solving Multiple Bids with a Transaction
Items by Price
More on Items by Price
Extending Redis with Scripting
Lua Scripting
Basics of Lua
Handling Arrays
Handling Tables
Loading and Executing Scripts
Providing Arguments
Providing Key lists
When to Use Scripts
Custom Scripts with Node-Redis
Lua Script Integration
Creating a View-Incrementing Script
Code Cleanup
Understanding and Solving Concurrency Issues
Concurrency Revisited
Issues with WATCH
Overview of a Lock
Understanding the Goal
Implementing WithLock
Using WithLock
It Works!
Automatically Expiring Locks
Another Lock Issue
Solving Accidental Unlocks
Adding an Unlock Script
One Last Issue
Providing Expiration Signals
Alternate Expiration Solution
Querying Data with RediSearch
Redis Modules
Redis Core vs Redis Stack
Using Modules in Production
Overview on Search
Creating and Using an Index
Details on Indexes
Index Field Types
Numeric Queries
Tag Queries
Text Queries
Fuzzy Search
Prefix Search
Pre-Processing Search Criteria
Search in Action
Search Implementation
The Create Index Function
When to Create the Index?
Parsing the Search Term
Executing the Search
Seeding Some Fake Data
RediSearch and TF-IDF
Applying Weights to Fields
Understanding Queries with EXPLAIN
Query Performance with PROFILE
Sorting and Searching
Updating an Existing Index
Executing the Search
Deserializing Search Results
Service Communication with Streams
Use Case of Streams
Adding Messages to a Stream
Consuming Streams with XREAD
Blocking Reads
An XREAD Shortcut
A Little Gotcha Around Streams
Reading Streams with XRANGE
Issues with Standard Streams
Consumer Groups
Creating and Inspecting Consumer Groups
Consumer Groups in Action
Claiming Expired Messages