Service Science and Sustainability
- Offered byFutureLearn
Service Science and Sustainability at FutureLearn Overview
Service Science and Sustainability
at FutureLearn
Discover the science behind service systems, and in the process learn how the service sector can become more sustainable
Duration | 3 weeks |
Total fee | ₹4,450 |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Go to Website |
Credential | Certificate |
Service Science and Sustainability at FutureLearn Highlights
Service Science and Sustainability
at FutureLearn
- Earn a certificate from National Tsing Hua University (NTHU)
Service Science and Sustainability at FutureLearn Course details
Service Science and Sustainability
at FutureLearn
Skills you will learn
Who should do this course?
This course is ideal for people working in the service industry looking to enhance the sustainability of service by using innovative methodology and tools.
What are the course deliverables?
Explore the discipline of service science, and understand the system view and value co-creation principles
Develop knowledge of service science, and cross your disciplines to frame the issues of sustainability
Investigate the real-world service system, and know how to analyze service systems by several case studies
Design your own way of investigation, and practice the methods and tools for enhancing the sustainability of service systems
More about this course
- The service industry is underpinned by the systems that help to provide a service, and the stakeholders in the companies involved.
- In this course, you'll analyse practical examples of service systems - their stakeholders and their value propositions
- You'll understand how services are co-created, and practice the methods and tools of service science.
- Ultimately you'll learn how the service industry as a whole can become more sustainable.
- Paid certification course
Service Science and Sustainability at FutureLearn Curriculum
Service Science and Sustainability
at FutureLearn
The essence of service science: service system and value co-creation
The value propositions of different stakeholders in service systems
Methods and tools of service science
Case studies and stakeholder interviews about service systems and value co-creation for sustainability
Service Science and Sustainability at FutureLearn Faculty details
Service Science and Sustainability
at FutureLearn
Fu-Ren Lin
I am a professor at the Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan. My current research topics mainly on knowledge-intensive and technology-enabled service.
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Service Science and Sustainability
at FutureLearn
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