Strategic Management for Churches
- Offered byCoursera
Strategic Management for Churches at Coursera Overview
Duration | 15 hours |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Strategic Management for Churches at Coursera Highlights
- Earn a certificate from Duke University
- Add to your LinkedIn profile
- 5 quizzes
Strategic Management for Churches at Coursera Course details
- What you'll learn
- Articulate why strategic management is important for organizations.
- Explain why and how to approach strategic management for churches theologically as strategic stewardship.
- Assess your strategic stewardship of church vision, core values, culture, goals, objectives, and metrics.
- Develop plans for establishing or modifying strategic stewardship for your church.
- Why is vision theologically important for your church, and how should it be realized? How do church goals, objectives, metrics, core values, and culture play a crucial role in this? What kind of pastoral leadership is needed to bring God's vision for your church to fruition?
- In this second course in the Duke Divinity+ Church Administration Specialization series, you will learn how to approach strategic management theologically as strategic stewardship for your church. Secular organizations widely use strategic management (including strategic planning) to define their future strategic direction and how to achieve it. In contrast, what we are calling strategic stewardship for churches seeks to reappropriate strategic management by discerning God's direction for the church and pursuing God-centered ways of realizing it.
- This course will focus on select key elements of strategic management: vision (Week 1), core values and culture (Week 2), goals and objectives (Week 3), and metrics (Week 4). We will first explore how each key element functions as a useful management tool. Then, we will reappropriate the key element for theological ends of our church stewardship to God; hence, our terminology of strategic stewardship. Moreover, we will unpack what pastoral leadership for strategic stewardship should entail. Lastly, we will provide exemplar stories from Duke Divinity School alums, who will share how they each approached and implemented a key element in their church setting.
Strategic Management for Churches at Coursera Curriculum
Strategic Stewardship of Church Vision
Course Introduction
Week 1 Intro
Strategic Stewardship of Church Vision
Pastoral Leadership of Church Vision Part 1
Pastoral Leadership of Church Vision Part 2
Church Vision: Discerning Together in Downtown Miami
Week 1 Wrap-up
Strategic Management Course Overview
About Duke Divinity+
Course Entry Survey
How to Be Successful in This Course
Download Your Course Workbook
Assignment: Self-Assessment Ratings
Dave Odom "Name Your Mission, Develop Strategies and Then Evaluate Impact"
Self-Assessment on Church Vision/Mission
This Week’s Exemplar Story: Audrey Warren, First United Methodist Church of Miami
Church Vision Stewardship Assignment
Mission Study Guide for Congregations
Workbook: Individual Reflection or Group Discussion Prompts
Quiz to Open Workbook Reading
Week 1 Graded Quiz
Introduce Yourself!
Tell Us What's Not Working
How is Your Pastoral Leadership of Church Vision?
Stewardship of Church Core Values and Culture
Week 2 Intro
Strategic Stewardship of Church Core Values
Theology of Church Core Values
Church Culture and Pastoral Leadership Part 1
Church Culture and Pastoral Leadership Part 2
Core Values Clothe Us in Abundant Life in Christ
Week 2 Wrap-up
Assignment: Self-Assessment Ratings
This Week’s Exemplar Story:
Rev. Lisa Yebuah, Southeast Raleigh Table
Church Culture and Core Values Stewardship Assignment
Workbook: Individual Reflection or Group Discussion Prompts
Week 2 Graded Quiz
Unhealthy Church Culture
Stewardship of Church Goals and Objectives
Week 3 Intro
Goals and Objectives as Management Means
Strategic Stewardship of Church Goals and Objectives
Pastoral Leadership of Church Goals and Objectives
Goals and Objectives Put Discipleship Into Action
Week 3 Wrap-Up
Self-Assessment on Goals and Objectives
This Week’s Exemplar Story: Russell Elmayan, The Catholic Diocese of Raleigh
Strategic Plan for Immaculate Conception
Church Goals and Objectives Stewardship Assignment
Workbook: Individual Reflection or Group Discussion Prompts
Week 3 Quiz
Achieving Your Church Vision as Stewardship
Stewardship of Church Metrics
Week 4 Intro
Strategic Stewardship of Church Metrics
Pastoral Leadership of Church Metrics
Metrics: Monitoring Church Vision and Vitality
Week 4 Wrap-up
Course Wrap-Up
Assignment: Self-Assessment on Metrics
This Week’s Exemplar Story: Benji Kelley, NewHope Church
Church Metrics Stewardship Assignment
Workbook: Individual Reflection or Group Discussion Prompts
Individual Reflection or Group Discussion Prompts
Feedback Survey
Divinity+ Survey
Week 4 Quiz
Discerning Church Metrics and Monitoring Criteria
Course Takeaways/Plans for the Future