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Transforming Business: Valuing social and human capital 

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Transforming Business: Valuing social and human capital


8 hours

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Transforming Business: Valuing social and human capital

  • Flexible deadlines Reset deadlines in accordance to your schedule.
  • Shareable Certificate Earn a Certificate upon completion
  • 100% online Start instantly and learn at your own schedule.
  • Coursera Labs Includes hands on learning projects. Learn more about Coursera Labs External Link
  • Beginner Level Open to all. No prior knowledge of social or human capital is needed.
  • Approx. 8 hours to complete
  • English Subtitles: English
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Transforming Business: Valuing social and human capital
Course details

More about this course
  • The aim of this course is to introduce business employees to social and human capital within the context of the Capitals Approach and human rights. It will provide guidance on how to get started in making positive impacts for people, planet, and society within the business decision-making context.
  • This course is an introductory course; no prior knowledge is needed. It is of particular relevance to those working in the domains of strategy, risk, finance, procurement, accountancy, auditing, human resources, and sustainability.
  • Drawing from the internationally recognized Social and Human Capital Protocol, the course provides a comprehensive introduction to social and human capital issues and their relationship with human rights and sustainability. Over four modules, the course will guide you through the process of understanding and integrating social and human capital issues into business DNA to improve people well-being and tackle inequalities.
  • In modules 1 and 2, you will be introduced to the concepts of social and human capital and human rights thinking, the Social and Human Capital Protocol, as well as the Capitals Approach. Here, you will be guided through the first stages and steps of conducting a capitals assessment.
  • In module 3, you will learn about impact and dependency pathways and how to measure and value those connected to your business activities. Finally, in module 4, using the Asses-Commit-Transform-Disclose framework you will learn about how to apply the findings of a social and human capital assessment to make commitments and transform business practices, and how to communicate and report on these elements.
  • The course features many real-world business examples, such as Natura, Novartis, Kering, Tony's Chocolonely, Jacobs, OFI, to demonstrate why and how other businesses have measured and valued social and capital, and the benefits this has brought to their strategy and management processes. These examples also show how companies make commitments to enact change and transform business practices, providing insight into different actions and commitments you can take.
  • By the end of the course, participants are expected to have learned about why it is essential to embed social and human capital into business decision-making, and how to get started with a capitals assessment.
  • This course has been developed by the Capitals Coalition in partnership with Nature^Squared, Social Value International, and the Business Commission to Tackle Inequality.
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Transforming Business: Valuing social and human capital

Welcome to the course

Welcome by Mark Gough - CEO of Capitals Coalition

Welcome to the course

Introductory video: Natura

Inspirational video: Kering

The Capitals Approach

Companies' responsibility to respect human rights and sustainability due diligence

The UN Guiding Principles (UNGP) on Business and Human Rights

Course acknowledgements

Learning objectives of the course

Learning objectives module 1

Assignments, grading and technicalities

Stay in touch!

Why business cares about inequality: the key concepts of human rights and social and human capital

Starting points and benefits of a social and human capital assessment

Entry points to social and human capital

Impacts & dependencies resulting in business risks and opportunities

Prioritizing impacts & dependencies

Key take-aways module 2

Learning objectives module 2

Entry points to social and human capital

Linking social and human capital to Human Rights: Shift

The Social and Human Capital Protocol

The process of a capitals assessment

Step 1: Getting started - social and human capital stocks, flows, and values

Stakeholder perspectives and target audience

Step 2: Defining your objective

Step 3: Determining the appropriate scope

Step 4: Introducing impact drivers and dependencies

Bibliography & further reading

Social and human capital impacts and dependencies in practice

Defining a target audience and objective

Scoping an assessment in practice

Final assessment module 2

How to get started with measuring and valuing impacts and dependencies on social and human capital

Social Value International (SVI) Principles

Impact & dependency pathways

Identifying good indicators for measuring social and human capital

Valuing social and human capital

Tony's Chocolonely: Measuring, valuing, and disclosing in the cocoa sector

Occupational safety and health: Jacobs Engineering Group

Living wage: Tony's Living Wage

Bridging capital: Natura

Key take-aways module 3

Learning objectives module 3

Stakeholder engagement and quality of relationships

Business stories on measurement and valuation processes

Valuation techniques

Introducing pathways for social and human capital

Dependency pathway: Occupational safety & health

Impact pathway: Equitable workplace

Impact pathway: Living wage

Dependency pathway: Bridging capital

Impact pathway: Taxes

Useful tools and resources

Bibliography & further reading

Measuring & valuing

Occupational safety and health

Equitable workplace

Living wage

Bridging capital


Final assessment module 3

How to integrate social and human capital into business: commitments and transformation

Apply: Using results in decision-making processes

Novartis: Sonja Haut on Social Risks Along Global Supply Chains

World Business Commission to Tackle Inequality: Taking action

Commit: How companies are setting targets to change

Transform: Time for action

Olam Food Ingredients (Ofi)

Tony's Chocolonely: Influencing the supply chain

Key take-aways module 4

Mark Gough: A call to action

Learning objectives module 4

Interpreting and testing the results

Key standards and guidance for decision-making

Communicating findings and visualizing data

Real-world examples of businesses communicating results

Reflecting on overarching learning goals for the course

Next steps

Bibliography & further reading

Full acknowledgements

Who will you communicate with?

Final assessment module 4

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Transforming Business: Valuing social and human capital

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