University of Colorado Boulder - Value Creation and Building Enduring Relationships
- Offered byCoursera
Value Creation and Building Enduring Relationships at Coursera Overview
Duration | 14 hours |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Value Creation and Building Enduring Relationships at Coursera Highlights
- Earn a Certificate upon completion
Value Creation and Building Enduring Relationships at Coursera Course details
- The most effective leaders in complex technical organizations are successful leading the performance of large-scale technical endeavors
- This third Leading Technical Organizations course, "Value Creation and Building Enduring Relationships", explores techniques for building relationships that have a multiplicative impact on business success
- The course provides insight into how authentic leadership yields employee engagement that is critical to strategizing, planning and performing large scale technical endeavors
Value Creation and Building Enduring Relationships at Coursera Curriculum
Stakeholder Perspectives
University of Colorado's EMP Leadership Progression
Shareholders vs Stakeholders
Stakeholder Mapping
LTO Stakeholder Perspectives
LTO Stakeholder Perspectives Leadership Learning Scenario
Welcome and Where to Find Help
Be a Mr. Jensen - Clint Pulver
Importance of Stakeholder Management
Stakeholders and Shareholders Compared
Shareholders vs. Stakeholders -Friedman vs. Freeman
Stakeholder Engagement Strategies
What is a Stakeholder Map
Building Stakeholder Relationships
Value Creation
Stakeholder Value Creation
Successful Change Creates Value
Innovative Value Creation & Creating Shared Value (CSV)
Customer Satisfaction & Disruption Through Intrapreneurial Activities
LTO Value Creation Leadership Learning Scenario
Introduction to Conscious Capitalism
A Billion-Dollar Ethical Egg Business
Upcoming Business Changes
Lego Case Study
Perspectives on Value Creation
The Future is Creating Shared Value
Flamin' Hot Cheetos Case Study
Value Creation and Stakeholders
Building a Competitive Strategy
A Leaders Role in Strategy
Types of Strategies
Strategic Vision & Mission Statements
Your Own Strategic Plan
LTO Vision & Mission Leadership Learning Scenario
Strategic Planning
How Strategic Leaders Use Their Brain
Forces That Make Companies Successful
Cirque du Soleil Case Study
Mission and Vision Statements in Strategic Planning
How to Write a Mission Statement That Doesn't Suck
Create a Strategic Life Plan
Establishing Enduring Relationships
Establishing Enduring Relationships
Customers as Partners
Mentor & Mentee Relationships
Effective Communications
LTO Customer Relationships Leadership Learning Scenario
Relationships vs Partnerships
How to Build Relationships
Business Networking
This Is Who You Are
Reciprocity Improves Relationships
Communication in Leadership
The 7 C's of Communication
Less is More in Presentations
Building Relationships
You as an Organizational Leader
You as an Organizational Leader
Getting Organized & Time Management
Obtaining Your First Leadership Position
LTO Becoming a Leader Learning Scenario
Course Summary
Measuring Your Life
Perfectionism in Leadership
Servant Leadership
These Skill Sets Make the Best Leaders
More Productive Meetings
Five C's of Leadership
Outsmart Your Own Unconscious Bias