Valuing nature and people to inform business decision-making
- Offered byCoursera
Valuing nature and people to inform business decision-making at Coursera Overview
Duration | 25 hours |
Total fee | Free |
Mode of learning | Online |
Difficulty level | Beginner |
Official Website | Explore Free Course |
Credential | Certificate |
Valuing nature and people to inform business decision-making at Coursera Highlights
- Earn a Certificate upon completion
Valuing nature and people to inform business decision-making at Coursera Course details
- The aim of the course is to introduce businesses employees to the Capitals Approach and help them to get started with integrating natural, social and human capitals into business decision-making
- This course is an introductory course; no prior knowledge of natural, human or social capital is needed
- The course provides a comprehensive introduction to the capitals approach and to undertaking a natural capital assessment, and is available for all employees and leaders, sustainability practitioners, procurement officers, accountants, human resources, auditing, strategy, risk management and finance departments
- The material is covered in good depth and will require time and commitment to learning
- The course consists of four modules and its structure follows the internationally recognized Natural Capital Protocol and Social and Human Capital Protocols
- The course features many business examples to demonstrate why and how other businesses have integrated natural, social & human capital impacts and dependencies into their decision-making and management practices
- The first two modules guide learners through risks and opportunities related to nature, people and society; introduce the concept of a Capitals Approach and present the business case for undertaking an integrated capitals assessment
- The third and fourth modules focus specifically on natural capital and how to get started with a natural capital assessment
- These modules guide learners along the scoping stage and introduce students to measuring and valuing natural capital
Valuing nature and people to inform business decision-making at Coursera Curriculum
The Role of Businesses in Addressing the Great Challenges of Nature Loss, Climate Change and Inequality
Welcome by Mark Gough - CEO Capitals Coalition
Paul Polman - Co-author of Net Positive and founder of Net Positive World Movement
Course Introduction
Business risks and opportunities related to nature, people and society
Interview with Volkert Engelsman, CEO, EOSTA: The business case for including nature, people and society into decision-making
The Integrated Capitals Approach: the Natural Capital Protocol and the Social & Human Capital Protocol
Häagen-Dasz on impacts and dependencies
Impacts and dependencies
Key take-aways
Next steps
Course acknowledgements
Learning objectives overall course
Get the most out of your learning experience!
Assignments, Grading and Technicalities
Video ? Where are you on your journey?
Short description of all modules
The Capitals Community
Learning objectives module 1
(OPTIONAL) Full interview with Volkert Engelsman & EOSTA's Natural Capital Journey
(OPTIONAL) The global risk landscape continues to shift
What is a capitals approach?
Definitions: natural, human, social and produced capitals
Entry Points to the Capitals
Integrated capitals assessments
The Natural, Social & Human Capital Protocols
The process and principles of a capitals assessment
How does this process guide us throughout the course?
Examples of businesses who have conducted a capitals assessment
(OPTIONAL) The Capitals Protocols, Business Primers & Case Study Databases
Recap learning objectives
Impacts and dependencies
Journey to create the greatest positive value across all capitals
(OPTIONAL) Goals, targets and reporting initiatives and standards
Recap learning objectives
Key take-aways
Planetary Boundaries
Quiz 1
Häagen-Dasz on impacts and dependencies
(OPTIONAL) Impacts and dependencies
Quiz 2
Final assessment
Better Managing Risks and Opportunities by Adopting a Capitals Approach
Liz Barber - CEO Yorkshire Water
The process of a capitals assessment
Liv Up - Pedro Alexandre Martins, Innovation and Sustainability Sr. Manager
Capital stock, flow and value
(OPTIONAL) ASN Bank testimonial video
(OPTIONAL) Keidanren testimonial video
Novartis - Sonja Haut, Head of Strategic Measurement and Materiality
(OPTIONAL) METRO AG testimonial video
Liv Up - Pedro Alexandre Martins, Innovation and Sustainability Sr. Manager
Engaging stakeholders in the decision-making process
Planning the process
Interview with Volkert Engelsman, CEO, EOSTA: Tips to get started with your own assessment
Key take-aways
Next steps
Learning objectives module 2
Diamond infographic
(OPTIONAL) Liv Up Capitals' journey
Capital stock, flow and value
(OPTIONAL) Nature-based solutions & natural capital
Risk and opportunity categories
Recap learning objectives
Business applications
Securing internal support and Persona action cards
Planning the process
Recap learning objectives
Key take-aways
Recap quiz
Stock, flow and value
(OPTIONAL) Identifying risks and opportunities
(OPTIONAL) Risks and risk responses
Quiz 1
Business applications
Liv Up - Engaging stakeholders
Planning the process
Quiz 2
Final assessment
Getting Started with a Natural Capital Assessment: Defining the Objective and Determining the Appropriate Scope
(OPTIONAL) Video: quick recap on natural capital & ecosystem services
The Natural Capital Protocol
Defining an objective
Yorkshire Water - Phillip Blaen, Sustainability Manager
Scoping a natural capital assessment
Impact and dependency pathways
Defining materiality
Yorkshire Water - Phillip Blaen, Sustainability Manager
Interview with Volkert Engelsman, CEO, EOSTA: Defining materiality and working with stakeholders
Key take-aways
Next steps
Learning objectives module 3
Diamond infographic
Entry points to natural capital
(OPTIONAL) Additional reading on the business case for natural capital & natural capitals assessments
Identify the target audience
Identify stakeholders and the appropriate level of engagement
Recap learning objectives
Scoping an assessment
(OPTIONAL) Determining the organizational focus, value chain boundary and value perspective
(OPTIONAL) Assessing impacts and dependencies, value perspectives and other key technical and planning issues
Impact drivers and dependencies
Impact and dependency pathways
(OPTIONAL) Dedicated sector guides on natural capital
Recap learning objectives
Key take-aways
Recap quiz
Engaging stakeholders reflection
(OPTIONAL) Identify a target audience and relevant stakeholders
Quiz 1
Reflection on scoping a natural capital assessment
Scoping an assessment
(OPTIONAL) Designing an impact pathway
Identifying material impacts and dependencies
(OPTIONAL) Materiality exercise for a seafood company
Quiz 2
Final assessment
Measuring and Valuing Impacts and Dependencies to Integrate Natural Capital in Decision-Making
Gretchen C. Daily, Natural Capital Project, Stanford University
Measure and value
Interview with Volkert Engelsman, CEO, EOSTA: Measuring and valuing the impacts
Holcim - Magali Anderson, Chief Sustainability and Innovation Officer
Holcim - Renata Pollini, Head of Nature
Measuring impact drivers and dependencies
Holcim - Eugenia Ceballos, Head of Sustainable Procurement and Impact Valuation
Valuing impact drivers and dependencies
Interview with Volkert Engelsman, CEO, EOSTA: What did the assessment bring?
Olam Food Ingredients (OFI) - Ria Bakshi, Lead Finance for Sustainbility
(OPTIONAL) Vattenfall testimonial video
(OPTIONAL) Verstegen testimonial video
Key take-aways
Next steps on your natural capital journey
Learning objectives module 4
Diamond infographic
Measure ? Value
(OPTIONAL) Measuring and valuing impacts and dependencies: Value, Price, Cost & Benefit
(OPTIONAL) Business examples
Steps to complete before measurement
Map your activities against impact drivers and/or dependencies
Define which impact drivers and/or dependencies indicators you will measure
Identify how you will measure impact drivers and/or dependencies
Useful tools and resources
(OPTIONAL) Additional reading on useful tools and resources
Recap learning objectives
The process of valuation
Valuation techniques
Tips for valuation
(OPTIONAL) Transparent project
Informing business decisions
Collating the results
Communicating the results
(OPTIONAL) Goals, targets and reporting initiatives
Recap learning objectives
Key take-aways
Final words and next steps
End of Course Survey
Recap quiz
Measure and value
Qualitative, quantitative and monetary
Quantitative indicators
Data sources
Natural capital toolkit
Quiz 1
Valuing natural capital
Reflection on OFI video
Quiz 2
Final assessment