Vskills Certified Web Analytics Master Government Certification
- Offered byVSkills
Vskills Certified Web Analytics Master Government Certification at VSkills Overview
Total fee | ₹16,742 |
Mode of learning | Online |
Credential | Certificate |
Vskills Certified Web Analytics Master Government Certification at VSkills Course details
- Web Analyst
- Digital Marketing Analyst
- Digital Marketing Mangers
- Marketing or IT professionals who want to understand the techniques and skills associated with web analytics
- Fresh graduates who want to start a career in web analytics
- Course material in the form of online video content
- Government Certification
- Certification valued and approved by industry
- Web Analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of the web data for the purpose of optimising web pages and understanding the behaviours of the visitors to the website. With the importance of digital marketing growing, there is a need for marketers to have the ability to understand and analyse the data for effective optimisation of the websites. Vskills Certififed Web Analytics Master Course provides candidates with comprehensive modules covering various skills and techniques associated with the running of web analytics campaigns across various online channels. A government certification is awarded on the successful completion of the course. This course is perfect for those who are looking to use their analytical skills in the field of digital marketing; training the candidates on various areas in web analytics.
Vskills Certified Web Analytics Master Government Certification at VSkills Curriculum
What analysis?
Is analysis worth the effort?
Small businesses
Medium and Large scale businesses
Analysis vs intuition
Introduction to web analytic
Google Analytics
Getting Started With Google Analytics
How Google Analytics works?
Accounts, profiles, and users Navigating
Google Analytics
Content Performance Analysis
Pages and Landing Pages
Event Tracking and AdSense
Site Search
Visitors Analysis
Unique visitors
Geographic and language information
Technical reports
Social media analytics
Facebook insights
Twitter analytics
Youtube analytics
Social Ad analytics /ROI measurement
Goals and Ecommerce Tracking
Setting up goals
Goal reports
Ecommerce tracking
Actionable Insights and the Big Picture
Recap of Google Analytics reports and tools
Finding actionable insights
Getting the organization involved
Creating a data-driven culture
Common mistakes analysts make
Additional Web analytics tools
Social CRM and Analysis
Sentiment analysis
Workflow management
Text analytics