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UNIGE - Water Cooperation and Diplomacy 

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Water Cooperation and Diplomacy


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Water Cooperation and Diplomacy

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Water Cooperation and Diplomacy
Course details

More about this course
  • If you are a student, a professional, an academic, or policy/decision maker involved in water cooperation and diplomacy, this MOOC is addressed to you
  • It enhances your scientific knowledge and capacities to engage in water cooperation and diplomacy processes; it also gives you ammunition to contribute to the public debate and discourses on shared waters. Finally, it connects you with other professionals, students, decision and policy makers as well as academics from around the world, and offers you opportunities to exchanges views, experiences and knowledge with them
  • This course is composed of five modules and includes a variety of innovative training material i.e. lectures, interviews, maps, case studies, exercises and simulations

Water Cooperation and Diplomacy

Introduction to the core features of the concept of water diplomacy

MOOC trailer

Welcome to this MOOC

Definition of water diplomacy

Scales and actors of water diplomacy

Actors of water diplomacy

Challenges of water diplomacy processes

Conclusion of Module 1 - The concept of water diplomacy

Course information and syllabus

Addressing the concept of water diplomacy and its development

The scales of water diplomacy

Comparison of various definitions

The concept of water diplomacy

Scales of water diplomacy

Based on Reading - The scales of water diplomacy

Actors and challenges of water diplomacy processes

Graded quizz - Concept of water diplomacy

Causes and dynamics of water conflicts and cooperation

Welcome to Module 2 - Causes and dynamics of water conflicts and cooperation

Challenges in cooperating over transboundary waters

Root causes of conflicts related to transboundary waters

The coexistence of conflict and cooperation

Case Study on the Tekezze-Atbara Basin

The role of women in transboundary water dispute resolution

Water conflict and cooperation from an international relations perspective

How do power relations impact conflict and cooperation around water resources?

Conclusion of Module 2 - Causes and dynamics of water conflicts and cooperation

Conflicts and cooperation over internationally

shared water resources: context, indicators, and

the role of universities

Blog - Water and conflict: an unavoidable link?

Key aspects of water conflicts and cooperation

What are water conflicts and their root causes?

Coexistence of conflict and cooperation

Conflict and cooperation approaches

Graded quizz - Causes and dynamics of water conflicts and cooperation

Water diplomacy tools and processes

Introduction to Module 3 - Water diplomacy tools and processes

What is Track I Water Diplomacy - An example from Southern Africa

Track I Water Diplomacy - An example from North Africa

What is Track II Water Diplomacy

What is Track III Water Diplomacy

Track III Water Diplomacy - An example from Western Africa

Multi-Track Water Diplomacy

Recap and structures of diplomacy processes

Skill building sessions - Introduction

Skill building No. 1 - Transforming water conflicts

Skill building No. 2 - Reframing

Skill building No. 3 - Identifying shared values

Conclusion of Module 3 - Water diplomacy tracks, tools and processes

Tracks of water diplomacy

Track I Water Diplomacy

Based on reading: Water diplomacy tracks

Track III Water Diplomacy

Multitrack Water Diplomacy

Processes of conflict management applied to water diplomacy

Conflict management practical skills

Graded Quiz - Processes and tools of water diplomacy

Legal and institutional frameworks for water cooperation and diplomacy

Introduction to module 4 - Legal and institutional frameworks for water cooperation and diplomacy

An introduction to international water law (IWL)

Interview with UN-ECE Water Convention Secretariat

Challenges related to the implementation of IWL in transboundary water cooperation - A case study from Central Asia

Regimes of transboundary water cooperation and empirical illustrations

How do institutional architectures for transboundary water cooperation evolve?

Introducing tools for the comparison of various regional frameworks

Comparative analysis of different regional transboundary water cooperation frameworks

Conclusion of Module 4 - Legal and institutional frameworks of water cooperation and diplomacy

Reading period on transboundary water cooperation models and evolution

The assessment of transboundary water cooperation

International Water Law (IWL)

Based on reading - Synthetizing and discussing models of transboundary water cooperation

MCQ: Comparative analysis of different regional transboundary water cooperation frameworks

Based on reading - Assessment efficiency of transboundary water cooperation

Graded Quiz on legal and institutional frameworks of water cooperation and diplomacy

The role of data, information and knowledge in water cooperation and diplomacy

Introduction to Module 5 - The role of knowledge in water diplomacy

Data sharing and transboundary water cooperation

Case study - The Tuli Karoo

Different forms of knowledge - Introduction

Reflections of a gender advocate

Reflections of a social science researcher

Reflections of a data scientist

How media talks about water conflicts and cooperation

Conclusion of Module 5 - Knowledge and watere diplomacy


Water resources data and information exchange in the framework of transboundary water treaties.

Reading 1 on experiences of journalists covering water conflicts

Water conflicts, science and the media (PODCAST)

Reading 2 on experiences of journalists covering water conflicts

Data sharing and transboundary water cooperation

Case study: The Tuli Karoo

Exchange of data

Different forms of knowledge

How media talks about water conflicts and cooperation

Final Graded Quiz 5

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Water Cooperation and Diplomacy

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