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Introduction to Lasers 

  • Offered byFutureLearn

Introduction to Lasers

Explore real-world applications of lasers to understand their technology and gain practical knowledge of how lasers work.


4 weeks

Total fee


Mode of learning




Introduction to Lasers

  • Complete 90% of course steps and all of the assessments to earn your certificate
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Introduction to Lasers
Course details

More about this course
  • From hospitals to bar code scanners, almost all of us interact with lasers in some way.
  • On this four-week course, you will delve into laser systems to understand how they work.
  • Exploring real-world examples, you will gain practical knowledge of laser applications in industry, energy technology, medical fields, and daily life.
  • You will gain a solid introduction to lasers, discovering core concepts such as quantum transitions in atoms, stimulated emission and amplification, and optical beams.
  • Next, you will understand how the designing of advanced materials can help optimise laser performance.
  • As you explore the principles of lasers, you will learn how to prepare a system to obtain gain.
  • To further your knowledge, you will then learn advanced concepts such as how EM waves propagate in space, laser output spectrum, and the Gaussian beam.
  • You will conclude by looking at the many applications of lasers across various industries.
  • Through this practical exploration, you will understand how we interact with lasers and how this could develop in future.
  • Collaborating with experts from both Taipei Medical University and National Taipei University of Technology you will finish the course with a solid understanding of laser technology.
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Introduction to Lasers

Physics of light

Physics of LIGHT

Principle of lasers

Light and Matter

Three main elements in a laser

Laser performance

Laser output power

Laser applications

Laser applications in daily life

Assessment time

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Introduction to Lasers

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