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Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD): Windows Store Apps using HTML5 

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Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD): Windows Store Apps using HTML5


28 hours

Total fee


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Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD): Windows Store Apps using HTML5

  • Unlimited Mentor Support- Chat & Email, Unlimited Mock Exam attempts
  • 400mn+ users, World's No 1 & trained 70% of Fortune 500 companies
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Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD): Windows Store Apps using HTML5
Course details

Who should do this course?
  • Anyone with five months of experience in object oriented programming language, preferably Javascript can take this course
What are the course deliverables?
  • Unlimited Access to Online Content for six months
  • Course Completion certificate - renowned globally
  • 400mn+ users, World's No 1 & trained 70% of Fortune 500 companies
  • Career boost for students and professionals
  • Content aligned with Microsoft
  • Unlimited Mentor Support via chat and E-mail
  • Unlimited mock test attempts
More about this course
  • The course covers main features of HTML 5 and CSS3 and how to use these features to create a simple HTML web application designed with CSS3. It is designed to enrich the expert?s ability apps for Microsoft ecosystem using HTML5 and Javascript. The training includes other important features that make the modern web application function in much the same way like desktop applications. The course also offers an overview of Javascript, a brief history of the language and how it varies from other object oriented programming languages. The course then introduces the basic syntax of Javascript, null values, objects, Javascript variables and arrays.

Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD): Windows Store Apps using HTML5

Microsoft Advanced Windows Store Apps with HTML5

Microsoft Advanced Windows Store Apps with HTML5: Enhancing Performance

Microsoft Advanced Windows Store Apps with HTML5: Animations and Custom Controls

Microsoft Advanced Windows Store App Development with HTML5: Media, Sensors and Devices

Microsoft Advanced Windows Store App Development with HTML5: User Interaction

Microsoft Advanced Windows Store App Development with HTML5: Data and Security

Microsoft Advanced Windows Store App Development with HTML5: Localize and Deploy

Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3

Microsoft Visual Studio 2012: Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3

Microsoft Visual Studio 2012: HTML5 and JavaScript

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Microsoft Visual Studio 2012: HTML5, CSS3, and Adaptive UIs

Microsoft Visual Studio 2012: HTML5 Graphics and Animation

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Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD): Windows Store Apps using HTML5

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