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ISB Hyderabad - ISB - Digital Transformation 

  • Offered byEmeritus

ISB - Digital Transformation

Learn frameworks that you can apply in your organisation to build a competitive advantage and be digitally ready to deal with disruptions


12 weeks

Total fee

1.20 Lakh

Mode of learning




ISB - Digital Transformation

  • Earn a Executive Education Certificate from ISB
  • Upgrade to ISB Executive Alumni Group with 100+ learning hours
  • Three 90-minute workshops from career management industry experts
  • Live online sessions with industry practitioners and 2 weeks Capstone project
  • Job placement assistance from partner companies via Emeritus Career Services
  • Pedagogy comprises of Practice Quizzes, Graded Assignments, Real-Life Case Studies & Capstone Project
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ISB - Digital Transformation
Course details

Who should do this course?
  • For senior leaders and function heads involved in rethinking digital in their business model and strategizing new businesses
  • For managers and senior managers who are currently engaged in digital transformation projects in their organizations
  • For individuals who are not technology experts, but responsible for driving their company's strategy or leading digital transformation
  • For individuals who are function heads and want to derive maximum benefit from latest digital technologies
  • For consultants working with clients to help them transition, transform and scale their businesses
What are the course deliverables?
  • Explore emerging technologies like IoT, Blockchain, AI/ML
  • Create strategic & operational plans across the value chain
  • Deep dive into digital strategy, and learn how to implement it
  • Understand and explore the potential impact of digital transformation on supply chain and operations
  • Learn to quantify the financial value of a digital strategy implementation with risks and rewards
  • Understand the need and potential impact of digital, and learn to adapt to this fast-changing environment
  • Build a strong foundation in the current competitive market through a high level digital-led strategy
  • Use techniques to calculate risks and rewards of digital implementation in the changing industry landscape
More about this course
  • ISB Executive Education?s Certificate Programme in Digital Transformation will help learners deep-dive into the technological disruptions happening across industries
  • Participants will learn about emerging technologies like Blockchain, Social Computing, IoT, and their business use cases, identify opportunities for innovation in your company, and learn frameworks

ISB - Digital Transformation

Module 1 (A) - Technology Bootcamp (An Introduction to emerging technologies and their business use cases - Blockchain and Social Computing)


What is Money

Physical value and Digital value

What is a Block, Nonce, Transactions?

'Mining' in Blockchain

Linking Blocks to Form a Blockchain

Bitcoin Transactions

Types of Blockchain

Future of Money

Module 1 (B): Technology Bootcamp (Social Computing)

Introduction to Social Computing

Nature of Social Web

Types of Social Media Noise

Structure of the Social Network

ABCs of the Social Network

Social Commerce

Dealing with Unstructured Data in Social Computing

Overcoming Challenges with Unstructured Data in

Social Computing

Applications of Social Computing

Module 1(C): Technology Bootcamp (Advanced Data Analytics & AI/ML)

What is Machine Intelligence?

A Non-Technical Introduction to AI Algorithms

AI vs Other Automation Technologies Using RPA As An Example

AI in Managerial Functions

Why There is More Buzz About AI Now

AI as a General Purpose Technology And Its Implications

A More Detailed Non-Technical Introduction to AI Algorithms with Use Cases

AI and Augmented Intelligence

Developing an AI Strategy

Managerial Trade-Offs Involved While Embracing AI


Module 2: Technology-Enabled Disruptions


Clayton Christensen's Disruptive Innovation Framework

The Nature of Technology Led Disruptions

Case Discussion: The Incumbent Value Network in the Music Industry

Case Discussion: Waves of Technology Disruption in the Music Industry

Case Discussion: Impact of Technological Innovation on Consumers and Artists

Case Discussion: Impact of Technological Innovation on the Recording Company

Module 3(A): Technology Enabled Business Models (Platform Model)


Introduction to Two Sided Platform Mediated Networks

Strategic Challenges that Confront Platform Models

Winner-take-all Nature of Competition Amongst Platform Models

Envelopment Strategies that Platform Models Use to Compete in Networked Markets

Module 3(B): Technology Enabled Business Models (Merchant Models and Sharing Economy)

Sharing Economy as a Specific Instance of Platform Business Models

Canonical Examples of Sharing Economy

Strategic Challenges in the Sharing Economy or the Platform Model

Opportunities for the Future

Introduction to Merchant Models

The Old Retail Cocktail/Low Prices

The Old Retail Cocktail/Large Selection and User Experience

Winner Takes All

Merchant Model or platform Model

Module 4: Identifying Opportunities for Innovation/Digitalization

User First Product Development

Hypothesis Driven Development

Understanding Your Customers Deeply - Building Granular Personas

Discover the problem - Creating a Problem Hypothesis

Validate the problem - Validating a Problem Hypothesis

Explore Solutions - Creating Solution Hypothesis

Validate Solutions - Validating Solution Hypothesis

Building an MVP - Defining the MVP and Experimenting

Measuring Success - Product and Business Metrics

Digitization Opportunities - Corporate Innovation

Why Look at Digital Innovation Opportunities?

How Do Organizations Implement Hypothesis Driven Thinking Within?

What are the Cultural and Organizational Considerations?

Module 5: Digital Transformation: Implementation Frameworks/Strategies

Transformation of an Incumbent

GE Leveraged IoT to Transform its Products and Business Model

Role of IoT in the Transformation of GE's Business Model

New Capabilities GE Needed to Develop to Create Value

Final Pivot in GE's Business Model - Its Transition to a Platform

Module 6: Designing Information Capabilities for Competitive Advantage

The Strategic Import of Information Capabilities

Operating Models (Part 1)

Operating Models (Part 2)

Enterprise Systems

A Portfolio Approach to Managing IT Investments

Module 7: Social Networks and Enterprise 2.0

Network IT - Collaborative Communities

Network Analytics at MasterFoods

Network IT - Contests

Open Innovation Models

Interview with Harishankaran K, HackerRank

Module 8: Future Disruptions and Opportunities

SCM, Digital and Functional Transformation

Digital Supply Chain or Industrial /Functional Transformation

Digital SCM - Industry and Functional Transformation

Digital Marketing/Analytics - Strategic Overview (How Business functions could get transformed)

Focus on Digital Strategies

Design Levers For Supply Chain (4 Levers)

Future of Supply Chain

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ISB - Digital Transformation
Faculty details

Deepa Mani - Professor
Professor Deepa Mani’s research interests are at the intersection of technology, organisation, and society. Her research articles have been published in leading academic journals. Deepa works closely with industry to drive innovation and strategies for the digital economy. She also works closely with the central and state governments to explore the impact of technology interventions in areas such as education, healthcare and urbanization.
Bhagwan Chowdhry - Professor
Professor Bhagwan Chowdhry’s research interests are in international finance and corporate finance and strategy and has been a visiting professor and lecturer at a variety of institutions, including the University of Chicago, University of Illinois at Chicago, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and ISB.
Anand Nandkumar - Associate Professor
Anand Nandkumar explores industry and firm level phenomena that influence innovation - the generation of new ideas and entrepreneurship - distribution and commercialization of new ideas. His research focuses on high technology industries such as pharmaceuticals, bio-technology and software, and falls in between industrial organisation (IO), economics of technological change and strategy. His current work examines the influence of venture capitalists on entrepreneurial performance.
Milind Sohoni - Professor, Operations Management
Milind Sohoni’s research interests span large-scale stochastic airline optimization, supply chain analytics, healthcare delivery and nonprofit operations management in resource constrained settings.

ISB - Digital Transformation
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