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NPTEL - Path Integral Methods in Physics & Finance 
offered by IIT Roorkee

  • Public/Government Institute
  • Estd. 1847

Path Integral Methods in Physics & Finance
IIT Roorkee 

Knowledge of the nuances of the 'path integral-formalism of QFT is indispensable for academic progression in this area


12 weeks

Mode of learning




Path Integral Methods in Physics & Finance
IIT Roorkee 

  • Earn a E- certificate of completion from IIT Roorkee
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Path Integral Methods in Physics & Finance
IIT Roorkee 
Course details

More about this course
  • The applications of this versatile concept are also growing by the day, one of the cardinal ones being in pricing of complex financial assets
  • Scientific risk management by the investor fraternity has become of cardinal necessity for generating competitive returns and surviving in the marketplace

Path Integral Methods in Physics & Finance
IIT Roorkee 

Week 1


Rationale & concept of path integrals

Elements of probability distributions

Moments & Cumulants & their generating functions

Binomial & Gaussian distributions

Laplace &Stirling formula

Week 2

Gaussian integrals of matrix functions

The Central Limit Theorem

Elementary theory of stochastic processes

Chapman Kolmogorov equation

Master equation

Kramer Moyal equation

Fokker Planck equation

Random Walks & Brownian motion

Week 3

Path integral solution of diffusion equation

Feynman Kac formula


Langevin equation

Path integral solution of Schrodinger equation &Langevin equation

Week 4

Fokker Planck vs Langevin equations

Determinism vs Classical & Quantum randomness

Basic theory of QM path integral

Introduction to the QM machinery & notational conventions

Equivalence of Schrodinger & Heisenberg pictures

Single particle non-relativistic QM path integral

Week 5

QM Harmonic Oscillator path integral

Equivalence between Schrodinger & path integral approaches

Correlation functions

Relevenace of functional derivatives

Week 6

Relativistic path integral

Saddle point approach to path integral

Interpretation of QM path integral

Causality violation

Need for QFT

Week 7

0-Dimensional Field Theory

Correlation Functions

Generating Functionals

Field interactions

Perturbative expansions

Convergence issues


Feynman Rules

Schwinger-Dyson Equation

Week 8

SDE from Feynman Diagrams

Loop expansions

Limiting behavior

Saddle point approximation

Effective field


1-D field theory

Feynman Rules & SDE


SDE in terms of propagators

Explicit expression for propagator

Generalization to D-dimensions

Continuum limits

Week 9

Mode space computations


Loop integrals


Correlators and allied results in D- Dimensional Euclidean space

Field theory in Minkowski space

Scalar field generating functional

Week 10

Scalar field propagator & correlators

Fourier integrals


Interacting field in Minkowski space

Important identities

Derivation of SDE,Fermionic fields & their path integral quantization

Week 11

Maxwell equations & gauge field quantization

Their path integral

Fluctuation properties official assets

Brownian motion & Ito's lemma

Lognormal distribution & stock price distribution

Formulation of & solution to the Fokker Planck equation for stock price model

Week 12

Basic theory of options

Profit diagrams

Put-Call parity

Option pricing

The Binomial &Black Scholes Models

Risk Neutral valuation

American options

Derivation of and solution to the Black-Scholes PDE

Path integral approach to pricing of path independent options

Path integral valauation of other cash flow structures e.g. zero coupon bonds etc

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Path Integral Methods in Physics & Finance
IIT Roorkee 
Faculty details

Prof. J. P. Singh
Jatinder Pal Singh, is a Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee. He is also a postgraduate in Physics, Mathematics and a graduate in Law & Operational Research.

Path Integral Methods in Physics & Finance
IIT Roorkee 
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Path Integral Methods in Physics & Finance
IIT Roorkee 

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IIT Roorkee 
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