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IIT Madras - Intellectual Property 

  • Offered bySwayam

Intellectual Property

Guardians of Innovation: Navigating the Legal Landscape of Intellectual Assets for Creativity, Protection, and Market Advantage


15 weeks

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Intellectual Property

  • Earn a certification from National Law University Delhi
  • Learn from expert faculty
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Intellectual Property
Course details

Who should do this course?
  • Lawyers specializing in intellectual property law, including patent attorneys, trademark attorneys, and copyright lawyers, are a key audience for IP-related information
What are the course deliverables?
  • Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the various forms of intellectual property, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets, as well as the legal frameworks and principles governing each type
  • Students will learn how to identify intellectual property assets within different contexts, such as inventions, creative works, branding elements, and confidential information. They will develop skills in effectively protecting these assets through appropriate mechanisms such as registration, contracts, and security measures
  • Students will develop analytical skills to identify and evaluate intellectual property issues and challenges faced by individuals, businesses, and society. They will learn to assess the potential risks and opportunities associated with intellectual property rights and make informed decisions
  • Students will gain practical knowledge of intellectual property laws and regulations, including statutory requirements, case law precedents, and international treaties. They will learn to interpret and apply these legal principles in real-world scenarios, such as drafting patent claims, conducting trademark searches, or assessing fair use in copyright
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More about this course
  • The course curriculum covers a wide but definitive areas of study that involve fundamentals of IP, historical origins and international obligations, economics of IP, justifications, nature of subject-matter, criteria for protection, term, rights, assignment and licensing, defenses, limitations, exceptions, public interest considerations, remedies and enforcement
  • The course will also contain topics that involve the interface of IP with areas such as human rights and competition law and policy

Intellectual Property

Week 1: Foundations of Intellectual Property

Module 1: Introduction to Intellectual Property: A Conceptual Primer

Module 2: Universal Origins of Intellectual Property

Module 3: Theoretical Justifications for Intellectual Property

Module 4: Economics of Intellectual Property: Innovation and Creativity - Policy Linkages

Week 2: International IP and IP Interfaces

Module 5: Legal Principles of International Intellectual Property Regime: Introduction to TRIPS

Module 6: Intellectual Property and Interface with Fundamental Freedoms

Module 7: TRIPS and Public Health: Challenges for Access to Medicines

Module 8: Intellectual Property and Competition Law- A Primer

Week 3: Patents – I

Module 9: Concept of Invention, Novelty, Inventive Step and Industrial Application and Disclosure

Module 10: Pharmaceutical Patents- Subject Matter Exclusions

Module 11: Biotechnology Patents- Subject Matter Exclusions

Week 4: Patents – II

Module 12: Software and Business Methods Patents

Module 13: Patents, Traditional Knowledge and Biodiversity

Week 5: Copyright and Neighbouring Rights

Module 14: Originality Requirement in Copyright Law

Module 15: Subject-Matter Requirement in Copyright Law

Module 16: Neighbouring/ Related Rights

Week 6: Trademark Law

Module 17: Trademarks- Concept of Distinctiveness and Grounds for Refusal of Trademark Registration

Module 18: Trademarks- Challenges in Non-Conventional Marks and Domain Names Disputes

Module 19: Well Known Marks

Week 7: IP Specifics/Sui generis- I

Module 20: Industrial Designs: Definition of a design; Concept of Novelty and Originality; designs not patentable; - Functional Designs

Module 21: Trade Secrets- Conditions of Protection

Module 22: Geographical Indications Substantive Conditions for Registration


Week 9: IP Specifics/ Sui generis – II

Module 23: Plant Variety Protection – Conditions of Registration

Module 24: Other Kinds of Intellectual Property

Week 10: Copyright + IP Assignment/ Licensing

Module 25: Economic and Moral Rights of Authors

Module 26: Copyright in the Digital Context

Module 27: IP Assignment and Licensing

Week 11: IP - Limitations and Exceptions

Module 28: Patent Rights- Limited Exceptions

Module 29: Copyright- Fair Dealing

Module 30: Limitations on Rights of Trademarks Owners

Week 12: IP- Public Interest

Module 31: Principles of IP Exhaustion

Module 32: Patents- Compulsory Licensing /Other Uses Without Authorization

Module 33: Copyrights- Statutory and Compulsory Licensing

Week 13: IP Infringement

Module 34: Patent Infringement

Module 35: Copyright Infringement

Module 36: Trademark Infringement and Passing-off

Module 37: Ambush Marketing and Comparative Advertising

Week 14: IP- Remedies and Enforcement

Module 38: Nature of Remedies in IP Law

Module 39: Patent law-remedies

Module 40: Copyright-Civil and Criminal

Module 41: Trademark Law- Civil and Criminal


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Intellectual Property
Faculty details

Dr. Yogesh Pai
Dr. Yogesh Pai is an Associate Professor (Law) at National Law University Delhi. He is currently the Co-Director of Centre for Innovation, Intellectual Property and Competition (CIIPC) at National Law University Delhi. He is also In-charge of the SPRIHA IPR Chair at NLU Delhi established by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.

Intellectual Property
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    Important Dates

    Jul 1, 2024
    Course Commencement Date

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