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John Hopkins University - Remote Sensing Image Acquisition, Analysis and Applications 

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Remote Sensing Image Acquisition, Analysis and Applications


23 hours

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Remote Sensing Image Acquisition, Analysis and Applications

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Remote Sensing Image Acquisition, Analysis and Applications
Course details

More about this course
  • Welcome to Remote Sensing Image Acquisition, Analysis and Applications, in which we explore the nature of imaging the earth's surface from space or from airborne vehicles.
  • This course covers the fundamental nature of remote sensing and the platforms and sensor types used. It also provides an in-depth treatment of the computational algorithms employed in image understanding, ranging from the earliest historically important techniques to more recent approaches based on deep learning.
  • The course material is extensively illustrated by examples and commentary on the how the technology is applied in practice. It will prepare participants to use the material in their own disciplines and to undertake more detailed study in remote sensing and related topics.

Remote Sensing Image Acquisition, Analysis and Applications

Course Welcome, Instructor, Course Resources, Module 1 Introduction and Week 1 Lectures and Quiz

Course Introduction

Welcome to Module 1

Module 1 Lecture 1 What is remote sensing

Module 1 Lecture 2 The atmosphere

Module 1 Lecture 3 What platforms are used for imaging the earth's surface?

Module 1 Lecture 4 How do we record images of the earth's surface?

Course instructions

Instructor biography

Text of slide audio files for Module 1

End-of-lecture quiz answers

Week 1 Quiz

Week 2 Lectures and Quiz

Module 1 Lecture 5 What are we trying to measure?

Module 1 Lecture 6 Distortions in recorded images

Module 1 Lecture 7 Geometric distortion in recorded images

Module 1 Lecture 8 Correcting geometric distortion

Week 2 Quiz

Week 3 Lectures and Quiz

Module 1 Lecture 9 Correcting geometric distortion using mapping functions and control points

Module 1 Lecture 10 Resampling

Module 1 Lecture 11 An image registration example

Module 1 Lecture 12 How can images be interpreted and used?

Module 1 Lecture 13 Enhancing image contrast

Week 3 Quiz

Week 4 Lectures and Quiz

Module 1 Lecture 14 An introduction to classification (quantitative analysis)

Module 1 Lecture 15 Classification: some more detail

Module 1 Lecture 16 Correlation and covariance

Module 1 Lecture 17 The principal components transform

Week 4 Quiz

Week 5 Lectures and Quiz, Module 1 Test

Module 1 Lecture 18 The principal components transform: worked example

Module 1 Lecture 19 The principal components transform: a real example

Module 1 Lecture 20 Applications of the principal components transform

Instructions for test and data to be used when answering questions

Week 5 Quiz

Module 1 Test questions and your answers

Module 2 Introduction, Week 6 lectures and Quiz

Welcome to Module 2

Module 2 Lecture 1: Fundamentals of image analysis and machine learning

Module 2 Lecture 2: The maximum likelihood classifier

Module 2 Lecture 3: The maximum likelihood classifier?discriminant function and example

Module 2 Lecture 4: The minimum distance classifier, background material

Text of slide audio file for Module 2

End of lecture quiz solutions

Week 6 Quiz

Week 7 Lectures and Quiz

Module 2 Lecture 5: Training a linear classifier

Module 2 Lecture 6: The support vector machine?training

Module 2 Lecture 7: The support vector machine?the classification step and overlapping data

Module 2 Lecture 8: The support vector machine?non-linear data

Module 2 Lecture 9: The support vector machine?multiple classes and the classification step

Module 2 Lecture 10: The support vector machine?an example

Week 7 Quiz

Week 8 Lectures and Quiz

Module 2 Lecture 11: The neural network as a classifier

Module 2 Lecture 12: Training the neural network

Module 2 Lecture 13: Neural network examples

Week 8 Quiz

Week 9 Lectures and Quiz

Module 2 Lecture 14: Deep learning and the convolutional neural network, part 1

Module 2 Lecture 15: Deep learning and the convolutional neural network, part 2

Module 2 Lecture 16: Deep learning and the convolutional neural network, part 3

Module 2 Lecture 17: CNN examples in remote sensing

Module 2 Lecture 18: Comparing the classsifiers

Week 9 Quiz

Week 10 Lectures and Quiz, Module 2 Test

Module 2 Lecture 19: Unsupervised classification and clustering

Module 2 Lecture 20: Examples of k means clustering

Module 2 Lecture 21: Other clustering methods

Module 2 Lecture 22: Clustering "big data"

Reading: Instructions for test and data to be used when answering questions

Week 10 Quiz

Module 2 Test questions and your answers

Module 3 Introduction, Week 11 Lectures and Quiz

Welcome to Module 3

Module 3 Lecture 1: Feature reduction

Module 3 Lecture 2: Exploiting the structure of the covariance matrix

Module 3 Lecture 3: Feature reduction by transformation

Module 3 Lecture 4: Separability measures

Module 3 Lecture 5: Distribution-free separability measures

Text of slide audio file for Module 3

End of lecture quiz solutions

Week 11 Quiz

Week 12 Lectures and Quiz

Module 3 Lecture 6: Assessing classifier performance and map errors

Module 3 Lecture 7: Classifier performance and map accuracy

Module 3 Lecture 8: Choosing testing pixels for assessing map accuracy

Module 3 Lecture 9: Classification methodologies

Module 3 Lecture 10: Other interpretation methods

Week 12 Quiz

Week 13 Lectures and Quiz

Module 3 Lecture 11: Fundamentals of radar imaging

Module 3 lecture 12: Summary of SAR and its practical implications

Module 3 Lecture 13: The scattereing coefficient

Module 3 Lecture 14: Speckle and an introduction to scattering mechanisms

Week 13 Quiz

Week 14 Lectures and Quiz

Module 3 Lecture 15: Radar scattering from the earth's surface

Module 3 Lecture 16: Sub-surface imaging and volume scattering

Module 3 Lecture 17: Scattering from hard targets

Module 3 Lecture 18: The cardinal effect, Bragg scattering and scattering from the sea

Week 14 Quiz

Week 15 Lectures and Quiz, Module 3 Test, Course Conclusion

Module 3 Lecture 19: Geometric distortions in radar imagery

Module 3 Lecture 20: Geometric distortions in radar imagery, cont.

Module 3 Lecture 21: Radar interferometry

Module 3 Lecture 22: Radar interferometry for detecting change

Module 3 Lecture 23: Some other considerations in radar remote sensing

Module 3 Lecture 24: The course in review

Course Closing Comments

Instructions for test and data to be used when answering questions

Week 15 Quiz

Module 3 Test questions and your answers

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Remote Sensing Image Acquisition, Analysis and Applications

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