Worldly Wealth Reading Answers : IELTS Reading Practice Test

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Updated on Nov 12, 2024 11:08 IST

The "Worldly Wealth" reading passage, focusing on technology advancements, environmental issues, and future societal changes, is crucial for IELTS preparation. It examines sustainability, urbanization, and alternative food sources, enhancing comprehension, analysis, and answering skills essential for a good IELTS reading score.

IELTS Worldly Wealth Reading Answers 

The passage below "Worldly Wealth" is inspired by Reading Practice Test. You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13, based on the reading passage.

Worldly Wealth IELTS Passage

Can the future population of the world enjoy a comfortable lifestyle, with possessions, space and mobility, without crippling the environment?

A. The world's population is expected to stabilize at around nine billion. Will it be possible for nine billion people to have the lifestyle enjoyed today only by the wealthy? One school of thought says no: not only should the majority of the world's people resign themselves to poverty forever, but rich nations must also revert to simpler lifestyles in order to save the planet.

B. Admittedly, there may be political or social barriers to achieving a rich world. But in fact there seems to be no insuperable physical or ecological reason why nine billion people should not achieve a comfortable lifestyle, using technology only slightly more advanced than that which we now possess. In thinking about the future of civilization, we ought to start by asking what people want. The evidence demonstrates that as people get richer they w ant a greater range of personal technology, they want lots of room (preferably near or in natural surroundings) and they w ant greater speed in travel. More possessions, more space, more mobility.

C. In the developed world, the personal technologies of the wealthy, including telephones, washing machines and ears, have become necessities within a generation or two. Increasing productivity that results m decreasing costs for such goods has been responsible for the greatest gains in the standard of living, and there is every reason to believe that this will continue.

D. As affluence grows, the amount of energy and raw- materials used for production of machinery w ill therefore escalate. But this need not mean an end to the machine age. Rather than being throw n away, materials from old machinery can be recycled by manufacturers. And long before all fossil fuels are exhausted, their rising prices may compel industrial society not only to become more energy efficient but also to find alternative energy sources sufficient for the demands of an advanced technological civilization nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, solar energy, chemical photosynthesis, geothermal, biomass or some yet unknown source of energy.

E. The growth of cities and suburbs is often seen as a threat to the environment. However, in fact the increasing amount of land consumed by agriculture is a far greater danger than urban sprawl. Stopping the growth of farms is the best way to preserve many of the world's remaining wild areas. But is a dramatic downsizing of farmland possible? Thanks to the grow th of agricultural productivity, reforestation and ‘re-wilding’ has been under way in the industrial countries for generations. Since 1950 more land in the US has been set aside in parks than has been occupied by urban and suburban growth. And much of what was farmland in the nineteenth century is now forest again. Taking the best Iowa maize growers as the norm for world food productivity, it has been calculated that less than a tenth of present cropland could support a population of 10 billion.

F. In The Environment Game, a vision of a utopia that would be at once high-tech and environmentalist. Nigel Calder suggested that ‘nourishing but unpalatable primary food produced by industrial techniques - like yeast from petroleum may be fed to animals, so that we can continue to eat our customary meat, eggs. milk, butter, and cheese and so that people in underdeveloped countries can have adequate supplies of animal protein for the first time.'
In the long run. tissue-cloning techniques could be used to grow desired portions of meat by themselves. Once their DNA has been extracted to create cow less steaks and chicken less drumsticks, domesticated species of livestock, bred for millennia to be stupid or to have grotesquely enhanced traits, should be allowed to become extinct, except for a few specimens in zoos. However, game such as wild deer, rabbits and wild ducks w ill be ever more abundant as farms revert to wilderness, so this could supplement the laboratory-grown meat in the diets of tomorrow's affluent.

G. With rising personal incomes come rising expectations of mobility. This is another luxury of today’s rich that could become a necessity of tomorrow’s global population - particularly if its members choose to live widely dispersed in a post-agrarian wilderness. In his recent book Free Flight. James Fallows, a pilot as well as a writer, describes serious attempts by both state and private entrepreneurs in the USA to promote an ‘air taxi' system within the price range of today’s middle class and perhaps tomorrow’s global population.

H. Two of the chief obstacles to the science fiction fantasy of the personal plane or hover car are price and danger. While technological improvements are driving prices down, piloting an aircraft in three dimensions is still more difficult than driving a car in two. and pilot error causes more fatalities than driver error. But before long our aircraft and cars will be piloted by computers which are never tired or stressed.
So perhaps there are some grounds for optimism when viewing the future of civilization. With the help of technology, and without putting serious strains on the global environment, possessions, space and mobility can be achieved for all the projected population of the world.

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Worldly Wealth IELTS Practice Questions

Questions 1-7

Complete the sentences below. 

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

1. According to one viewpoint, most individuals have to accept their situation of ___________.

Answer Location: Paragraph A
Explanation: According to the passage, one school of thought disagrees, arguing that most people worldwide shouldn't be forced to live in poverty forever. According to one perspective, this suggests that most people have to accept living in poverty.

2. People demand a wider variety of _______ as their wealth increases.

Answer Location: Paragraph B
Explanation: According to the paragraph, the research shows that consumers prefer a wider variety of personal technology as their wealth increases. This suggests that as affluence rises, people look for a wider variety of personal technology.

3. As people get richer, they also want more ________ in their lives.

Answer Location: Paragraph B
Explanation: As wealth increases, people crave greater speed in travel, personal technology, and more room, with mobility being the best option for these aspirations.

4. The production of machines will require more energy and _________ as prosperity rises.

Answer Location: Paragraph D
Explanation: As wealth increases, machinery and raw materials demand rises, resulting in higher industrial output and increased energy and raw material requirements.

5. Future energy needs could be met by __________.

Answer Location: Paragraph D
Explanation: As fossil fuel prices rise, society must adopt alternate energy sources like solar, nuclear fission, biomass, and geothermal to meet future energy demands and ensure sustainable supply.

6. The spread of _________ is more harmful to the environment than urban development.

Answer Location: Paragraph E
Explanation: The text highlights that agriculture expansion is considered a more significant environmental hazard than urban development, contributing to environmental deterioration more severely.

7. _____________ may be an addition to the diets of the wealthy of the future.

Answer Location: Paragraph F
Explanation: The text envisions a future where technology will enable the production of laboratory-grown meat, a sustainable and ethical alternative to traditional cattle rearing. This technology, facilitated by tissue-cloning, will provide a viable substitute for high-protein foods for the wealthy.

Worldly Wealth Reading Answers with Explanation

Questions 8-13

The Reading Passage has sections A-H

Which section contains the following information?

Write the correct A-H letter on your answer sheet in boxes 8-13.

8. Issues with the development of hover automobiles and personal aircraft.

Answer: Paragraph H
Explanation: Hover cars and personal planes are becoming more affordable due to technical improvements, but still face significant costs and safety concerns, potentially resolved by computer-piloted systems.

9. Former farmland has been able to recover to its natural state because to reforestation.

Answer: Paragraph E
Explanation: Reforestation initiatives in developed nations have restored natural ecosystems and expanded wooded regions, limiting farm spread and promoting environmental benefits by restoring agricultural land.

10. Personal technology is become a need rather than an indulgence.

Answer: Paragraph C
Explanation: The text states that once-luxury personal technology, such as washing machines and cellphones, have evolved into necessities in industrialized nations due to increased productivity and affordability.

11. A futuristic idea of producing food by merging environmentalism and technology.

Answer: Paragraph F
Explanation: The futuristic scenario proposes a sustainable, ethical, and environmentally-friendly approach to food production, utilizing industrial methods like tissue cloning and petroleum-derived yeast to meet the food needs of both rich and developing nations.

12. A richer global civilization is not impeded by ecological or physical limitations.

Answer: Paragraph B
Explanation: The author asserts that technological advancements can overcome ecological and physical limitations, enabling a higher standard of living for nine billion people, despite potential political and social issues.

13. In the future, air taxis might be a popular kind of transportation.

Answer: Paragraph G
Explanation: Air taxis, once a luxury for the wealthy, may become a popular mode of transportation due to rising personal incomes and mobility needs.

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Rahul Singha

9 months ago

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Rahul Singha

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Rahul Singha

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