Mystory@Abayomi Olukunmi Abiodun: How I chose my course and career

Mystory@Abayomi Olukunmi Abiodun: How I chose my course and career

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Updated on May 16, 2017 15:08 IST

After my Junior Secondary School exam, I had the opportunity to join Science class for my Senior Secondary but I decided to join the Social Science class because of the passion I had for figures. That lead me towards taking Accounting as my career and ever since, I have never regretted making that big decision.

I chose the right career for myself. Looking back I will say that my career was not given a proper starting or footage as we were not given the opportunity to have Bookkeeping and Accounting as part of our course in the senior secondary school.

About the Author:

I have completed my course in Accountancy and Management from Nigerian College of Accountancy, Jos Nigeria. Currently, I work as a Senior Accountant (Internal Audit) in Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria.

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MyStory Writer provides you with a platform on which you may share your educational experiences and stories thus far. It allows you to educate other aspirants' paths in order to assist them in making great career ju... Read Full Bio