Animation: Types of job profiles

Animation: Types of job profiles

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Updated on Mar 15, 2017 15:57 IST

Animation Job Profiles

Are you also as fond of the Kung Fu Panda or the little minions like me? Well, these adorable creatures are the creation of brilliant animation.

These days a major chunk of the income of the entertainment industry comes from animated movies which require pure brilliance and can be made by spending an impressive chunk of money. But before going there, let us first understand what is animation.

Animation is a process wherein one creates an illusion of motion by rapidly displaying static images in a sequence such that they differ from each other very slightly.

However, in order to create such an illusion one needs to undergo some training so that they are capable enough to produce these illusions and the required skills for the same can be aced at animation schools.

View the top 10 animation colleges in India here.

Also, if you want to make a mark for yourself in the animation industry then you can think of specialising in any of the below mentioned job profiles.

3D Modeller: Helicopter wireframe

3D Modeller

In this job profile one typically builds 3D characters as well as environments basis concept art. So, typically a modeller creates the model’s skin or surfaces, paint it and then wrap these 2D textures on a digital frame. Thus, modellers create character skeletons which are then controlled by animators. The task of modelling is carried out on various programmes like Maya, Pixar's RenderMan, 3DS Max, POV-Ray etc.


People working in this job profile create animation as well as visual effects for mobile devices, television, films, video games, etc. Animators create animation using illustrations as well as software programmes. Thus, animators plan, script and create animated narrative sequences. They also assist in formulating the background design and also work on production coordination.

Flash Animator

People in this work profile create animation for videos, websites, games, advertising and marketing, education materials, etc. Flash animators work in close coordination with creative directors to make sure that the animation made compliments the design. He/she also ensures that the end product is in sync with the technology used.

Stop Motion Animator

People in this job profile use puppets, clay or models to create animated films or television commercials. Stop motion animators work to produce their end product by combining the art of photography, utilising narrative skills as well as the ability to manipulate light and thereafter calculate angles to create stop motion animations without manipulating it digitally.

Video Game Designer

People in this job profile combine science, technology, engineering, mathematics, art, and design as well as animation skills in order to create realistic video games with adequate action. Video game designers design user interfaces and thereafter create storylines as well as characters followed by role-play mechanics along with gameplay prototypes.

Animation Director

 People working in such a job profile recruit, coordinate and manage animation teams. Animation directors work closely with the person who handles the overall production. His/her task list also includes interpreting briefs and thereafter communicating the same to the entire animation team.

Background Painter

In such a job profile, one has to draw, paint or even create backgrounds. A background painter can make the backgrounds either manually or by computer. Sometimes, they need to use both the means for animated as well as live action productions. Also known as a matte painter, a background painter may have to create a complete matte painting, which can be a skyline or a village where animation/live action takes place only in a few spots.

Cartoonist: Minion Animation


People in this job profile need to draw characters, environments as well as objects as per the brief shared with them. A cartoonist may also need to develop moods, colour patterns, dramatic actions as well as create and then paint background scenes. Cartoonists can draw characters/scenes either manually on a computer. They may also draw few things by using a combination of making a part of the drawing manually and the rest on a computer.

Character Animator

In this career profile one has to design and create characters by using animation software, 2D animations, 3D modelling and sometimes even puppetry. Character Animators create characters, such that, they use movement to communicate a story. They develop these characters for films, television, mobile applications as well as video games.  

Character Rigger

In such a job profile one has to manipulate the geometry of characters with respect to their interaction with their environments. This task is achieved by understanding the physics and anatomy, followed by required manipulations on operating systems like UNIX and softwares such as Autodesk Maya, 3D Studio Max, Motion Builder and XSI. Character riggers need to possess the ability to develop tools for animation production procedures, collaborate with modellers as well as animators, and also develop new techniques in order to solve challenges related to character production.

Effects Animator

People working in such a profile create effects on the basis of concept art as well as design brief that they receive from the art department. An Effects Animator uses 3D lighting, effects and compositing tools to secure the desired look. In order to create realistic effects, a person working as an Effects Animator works closely with VFX supervisors, technical directors, art directors and designers.

Forensic Animator

In such a job profile, one uses full-motion computer graphics on order to re-create events like accidents, robberies, assaults or other crimes. As against creating animation for movies, TV, games etc, a forensic animator works to re-create a crime scene by using advanced techniques for photo matching, lighting and rendering. They further create characters, composite animations, use composite video tracking, design graphics and help solve crimes.

Bee Animation

Texture Artist

The task of an individual working in such a job profile is to paint surface textures for animated characters, pros and environments. The textures which animators use are endless. The textures used may include wrinkles, fur, sweat, scales, etc. If in any instance the texture to be used in animation isn’t available in real life then the Texture Artist creates the same using his/her own creativity and imagination.

Visual Development Artist

People in such a job profile work with the creative department to develop backgrounds, lighting, colours, environments as well as props for the production. A Visual Development Artist uses animation, illustration, design skills and drawing to create visuals which can easily convey the idea behind the entire production. These artists work in 2D or even in 3D and use programmes like Photoshop and Maya.

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This is a collection of news and articles on various topics ranging from course selection to college selection tips, exam preparation strategy to course comparison and more. The topics are from various streams inclu... Read Full Bio





deva anbu

4 years ago

For studying animation which is best VIT vellore or arena animation

Reply to deva anbu