Design a world-class university
The Nalanda University recently launched the much awaited architectural design competition with an aim to get the best architectural design for the upcoming Nalanda International University. Open to both Indian and foreign firms, this competition is the first important step towards deciding the master plan of the varsity.
The concept behind the competition is to have cutting edge architecture for the university even while keeping its legacy intact. With a focus on the culture of the region, the competition aims not to lose out on any of the modern principles of social and environmental awareness.
The new university will be built on an area of approx 500 acres of land in Rajgir, 10 km from the site of the ancient university in Nalanda district. Expected to be a university of the coming centuries, it will be a fully residential one and would offer courses in science, philosophy and spiritualism along with other subjects.
A member of the Nalanda Mentor Group (NMG) informed that there were already inquiries coming in from leading architects of the world.
Commencing in 2013, the university would have two schools -the school of historical sciences and the school of environment and ecology. However, this is only possible if the Bihar government provides a suitable accommodation.
The academic activities of the university will be carried out from a rented premises for the time being till the construction of its own campus.
As per the norms of the council of architecture, only those foreign firms who have a joint venture with an Indian firm can apply.
Important dates:
- Last day for applying for the design competition: January 8, 2013
- Announcement of the final list: January 22, 2013
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