Its about Reading, observing, analysing

Its about Reading, observing, analysing

1 min read20 Views Comment
Updated on Sep 25, 2009 03:51 IST

How can one become a successful archaeologist?
Every aspiring professional should have strong feelings for one’s heritage. This work is meant for people who love reading and exploring. I discovered and excavated a stupa in Rajgir, Bihar. There was a reference in history books about the stupa, but opinions differed where its location was concerned. Once, traveling from Rajgir to Gaya, I saw a mound and something told me it was that mystery stupa.

Exploration of the site proved me right. So, being a successful archaeologist is about reading, observing and having an analytical bent of mind. When an archaeologist goes to a historical site, stones at that place start narrating stories about their past. It is all about networking with the stones... the drama then starts unfolding.

Who hires archaeologists?

The Archaeological Survey of India is one of the largest employers. Then we have various universities and institutes that have departments of archaeology. Museums, too, employ archaeologists to study their antiques.

What do you think will attract more people to this field?

Salaries have to be made more attractive. Then, the government can think of holding examinations on the lines of the Indian Administrative Services. This will give a distinct identity to archaeologists. An essential factor in attracting talent to archaeology is making the youth aware of our rich heritage. For this, we have to start working at the school level.


Author: HT

Date: 23rd Sep., 2009


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