Puppetry: Traditional Art Form Making A Comeback
Many people have a misconception that puppetry as an art form has died down. Since historic times, puppetry has undergone evolutionary process from a storytelling tool to a thrilling and immensely innovative art form of today’s times.
Present-day puppeteers use this art form as a medium to create awareness about common social issues like child marriage, female foeticide, AIDS etc. among the masses. Puppets form the easiest medium to communicate the thoughts on these subjects in the simplest way.
Although puppetry is one of the most loved traditional art forms, only a few institutes exist, which impart formal puppetry training. Dadi Pudumjee, Director UNIMA (Union Internationale de la Marionnette-International Puppetry Association) says, "Many private workshops are organized throughout the year where puppetry is taught by a dedicated team.”
Private workshops are organized across the length and breadth of the country by groups such as Ishara Puppet Theatre, Anurupa Roy's Katkatha Puppet Arts Trust and Puran Bhat's Aakar Puppet Theatre. Besides these private workshops, puppetry has been made a part of mass communication programme at Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi & Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi. This programme is offered for a duration of six months. The candidates holding a graduate degree & successful in the entrance examination are eligible to seek admission in this course.
Some institutes which offer puppetry training include AJK Mass Communication and Research Centre, Delhi (www.ajkmcrc.org), University School of Mass Communication, GGSIPU, Delhi (www.ipu.ac.in), Katkatha Puppet Arts Trust (www.katkatha.org), and Aakaar Puppet Theatre (www.aakaarpuppet.com)
Source: Team Shiksha
Date: 16th June, 2010
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