Study Aviation Management in Distance mode

Study Aviation Management in Distance mode

1 min read888 Views 1 Comment
Updated on Apr 30, 2012 10:13 IST

By Richha Bhatnagar


Interested in a career in aviation management? Now you have the convenience to pursue an MBA through distance mode. The distance MBA in Aviation Management is a first-of-its kind initiative taken by the Directorate of Distance Education at Madurai Kamraj University (MKU). A renowned name for distance education, MKU has 109 affiliated Colleges (9 Autonomous) including other approved institutions and seven evening colleges.


The University is in the process of shortlisting institutions with expertise in Aviation Management to eventually select one of them to launch the two-year MBA program from the coming academic year.


The university is looking to collaborate with a private hospital to launch its new MBA program in Hospital Management. A total of 27 new courses will be introduced by the distance education wing of the University of which MBA in aviation management and hospital management are perceived to hold more potential to attract students.


The curriculum for these courses is yet to be finalized by the Board of Studies and the Academic Council. Students can look forward to enroll for the new courses starting from the June session of the new academic year. These programmes will help students in developing a new perspective and understanding the relevance of distance education in a better way.

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This is a collection of news and articles on various topics ranging from course selection to college selection tips, exam preparation strategy to course comparison and more. The topics are from various streams inclu... Read Full Bio





2012-05-02 13:50:22

can you help me in the course caricculam and study centers in andhrapradesh

Reply to mohd.azaharoddin

Richha Bhatnagar

2012-05-21 18:11:46

Pls contact the college authorities for more information on this program.