Do not love playing with numbers? Mathematics is just not for you
Mathematics represents a high level of abstraction attained by the human mind. It is more than adding, multi- plying and dividing. Mathematics as a subject is becoming increasingly pop- ular owing to its applications in a wide field of study and research. Everything that is designed, built or organised needs to be logically calculated - from the insurance premium offered by a company to the measurement needed for a new bridge.
Being a mathematician is not every individual's dream. However, those with a burning desire to play and work with numbers are fascinated by this sub- ject. Solving problems, learning new techniques and an urge to innovate and advance methods matters. One should have the ability to put in hard and smart work. One should be able to adapt as well as set new standards to be an expert. These qualities will ensure good financial rewards multiplied by job sat- isfaction to the power of many career options. Employers value the skills that mathematics graduates bring to the workplace such as ability to handle difficult problems and think logically.
In Delhi University, the course is known as BSc (Hons) course. The course has been recently revised and provides a comprehensive survey of areas such as analysis, algebra, statis- tics, computer programming etc. The course is market friendly and job ori- ented. The revision has done away with BA/BSc (H) and a single BSc degree will be given. It has integrated com- puter software such as Matlab, Mathematica and Maple. Delhi University has provided this software to all the colleges, which students can use on the computers. The software would help students visualise the problems with the help of 3D illustrations and figures.
It has been observed that for recruit- ment in various companies, computer knowledge and application based math- ematics is required. These points have been taken care of in papers like finan- cial mathematics and C++ program- ming and numerical methods.
To take up the BSc (H) course in mathematics one needs to have stud- ied mathematics till Class XII. All stu- dents who wish to pursue the course can look forward to developing their logical ability and analytical skills.
After graduation students can opt for masters in mathematics, statistics, operations research, and computer applications. There is plenty of scope in banking, insurance sectors, civil and statistical services. Opportunities are also open in the field of aerodynamics and market research. Mathematics also offers the scope of being teachers, lec- turers or professors in schools and col- leges. Therefore, a bachelor's degree in mathematics prepares a student for fascinating jobs in statistics, mathe- matical modeling, actuarial sciences, cryptography and teaching. A strong background in mathematics is also nec- essary for research in many areas.
Source: Hindustan Times
Date: 19th May, 2010
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