Career Counseling 2
Hi Friends,
In the last post i had given a glance about COMMERCE courses. Today i would like to share about the detailed part. Immediately after 10th it is better to take a combination of BASM in commerce. Why i am specifying to that course is, all the four subjects in the combination is having wide range of scope . BUSINESS STUDIES is playing a very important role nowadays as the present era is of business. STATISTICS is another subject which is having wide range of scope in fact there is also a combination MES in B. Sc. in very few colleges in Bangalore. Statisticians are having very good job opportunities as statistics is necessary for every field. MATHEMATICS in commerce is basically business maths and it is necessary to learn as you have to face a math paper in all most all the competitive examination. ACCOUNTS is one of the major subject to be concentrated. All the courses which i suggested in the last post i.e CA,CS etc is all about accounts. It is very essential for each and every small and large firms to maintain accounts in a proper manner.
The most important thing i would like to tell is concentrate on accounts subject to the core. Once your score and also knowledge is high in accounts, job opportunities grow to the huge.
CA is completely dealing with accounts. CA means CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT. It is done on the basis of 2nd PU. After PU you should register yourself to the CA institution i.e ICAI. The institution will further inform the particulars of syllabus and exam patterns and schedules.
Before that the important thing to be done is to work hard in pu.PU IS THE BASIC STONE FOR THE WHOLE FUTURE.
So friends start working from your vacation itself and try to gain major part of marks and knowledge in PU.
Author: Nandini Sringesh
Date: 22nd January, 2011
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