Claritas Investment Certificate exam registrations

Claritas Investment Certificate exam registrations

1 min read1.6K Views 5 Comments
Updated on Mar 7, 2013 16:39 IST

The Claritas Investment Certificate exam has been launched globally by the CFA Institute, which conducts the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) programme at the global level.  The aim of this self-study certificate program is to equip aspirants with a fundamental understanding of the investment industry essentials through the topics covered in the course of study with the freedom to study at one’s own schedule. It does not have any entry requirements as such.

The certification programme will help financial services professionals from different domains (including those involved in marketing and sales, consultancy, legal, compliance, IT, operations and HR) to develop a clear understanding of the investment industry and its responsibilities.

The course comprises of seven modules covering 21 chapters:

  1. Industry Overview
  2. Ethics & Regulation
  3. Tools & Inputs
  4. Investment Instruments
  5. Industry Structure
  6. Industry Controls
  7. Serving Clients’ Needs

 Claritas Registration process

 Registrations for the global Claritas exam will begin in May this year.

  • Register for the Claritas exam and schedule an exam appointment date, ensuring to appear for the exam within 180 days.
  • Exam appointments must be scheduled at least 24 hours prior to your preferred time to take the exam. The appointment will be given on first-come, first-served basis.

 Registered candidates for the Claritas Investment Certificate program can make use of a variety of study material, which would be made available to them to prepare for the exam. This includes eBooks, review questions for each of the chapters, practice questions and also a mock test.

 Claritas Exam

 To be conducted in English at Pearson VUE test centers worldwide, the Claritas computer-based exam will have 120 multiple-choice questions. Test takers will have the option to go back and review the questions and answers during the duration of the test, however, the total time to complete the test remains 120 minutes (2 hours) only.

The first set of pilot Claritas exam is scheduled for late March, 2013. More than 3,000 candidates from 68 organisations and 17 countries are participating in these pilot exams. These countries include the USA, the UK, the UAE, Australia, China, Singapore and Germany.

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This is a collection of news and articles on various topics ranging from course selection to college selection tips, exam preparation strategy to course comparison and more. The topics are from various streams inclu... Read Full Bio






3 years ago

How to register for Claritas exam and what are the exam dates?



arokia w

8 years ago

Please tell about the cource period and fee structure and how to fill for this exam

Reply to arokia w


Vicky M

9 years ago

How to register ? I want all details of this program HI im am an undergraduate HSC student

Reply to Vicky M


Rakesh Gajula

2014-07-26 16:36:49

I want know all the details of this course & registration fees and centre in india specially in mumbai.

Reply to Rakesh Gajula

Prerak Sheth

2013-08-12 10:42:32

How do I register?

Reply to Prerak Sheth