MBA Banking & Finance: A Degree That Works

MBA Banking & Finance: A Degree That Works

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Updated on Aug 5, 2010 05:05 IST

Ushering a practical approach to education that is in sync with the needs of the corporate world, Sikkim Manipal University Distance Education (SMU-DE) launches a new course; MBA in Banking & Finance. Open to employees from the banking or finance industry with a minimum of 3 years work experience, this 4 semester course is structured to nurture managers out of them.

The Banking & Finance industry has undergone a host of changes and the emphasis now lies on hiring trained professionals who can seamlessly integrate into the daily working of the bank. The challenge is to find out such trained professionals since the demand is lot more than supply. The Indian banking sector has been growing at a pace of 7% since the start of this decade. Growth forecasts predict that by the end of 2014, the Indian banking and finance industry will need a minimum of 1.7 million managerial people while the current available workforce is only around 1 million. A deficit of 0.7 million.

Keeping in view the lack of managerial talent, Sikkim Manipal University Distance Education offers this course to hone and deliver professionals who can fill in this gap. The SMU-DE MBA programme in Banking & Finance provides students a chance to upgrade their skill sets and make them potential managers of the future. Students will be trained and familiarized with the latest tools in banking, policies, products and culture so that they build an immediate applicable knowledge base. It is a chance for the employees to take their career to the next level. To assist students further is a strong faculty base of the largest network of industry practitioners who know banking and finance from ground up.


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