Open school form sale gets delayed

Open school form sale gets delayed

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Updated on Aug 18, 2010 11:10 IST

Delhi University's School of Open Learning (SoL) has been postponed till June 4.

The form sale, which was to begin from June 1, has been rescheduled as the prospectus and the forms are still in the process of being printed.

The last date for submission, though, continues to be October 29.

Dinesh Gupta, deputy director, SoL, said, "We are unable to start the sale of forms from Tuesday since there has been a delay in the printing process. By Friday, we should be able to start." Each year the SoL prints about 1.5 to 2 lakh forms in batches.

The SoL, which is very popular with students, has five undergraduate cours- es -- BA (H)Political Science, BA (H)English, BCom (H), BA Programme and BCom Programme.

"Among the honours courses, BCom (H) is the number one choice for stu- dents while BA Programme is more popular than BCom programme," said Gupta.

Students applying for both honours and programme courses need a cut-off of a minimum of 45 per cent, with one language and three elective subjects.

The university for the first time this year has decided that students aspir- ing for the BA Programme and BCom Programme will need to have a minimum cut-off of 40 per cent.

Candidates can download forms and prospectus from, but they need to go the SoL to submit the forms. Apart from the North Campus centre, students living in south Delhi can also go to the south Moti Bagh Centre near South Campus to collect and submit their forms.

Source: HT Horizon

Date: 1st June, 2010

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