SMU-DE launches job ready ProDegree programme
SIKKIM MANIPAL University-Distance Education (SMU-DE) programme has launched job - ready graduation under the ProDegree programme.
The ProDegree courses are being offered under two broad disciplines; Bachelor of Science in Networking Technology (BScNT) and Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com). Under the Commerce ProDegree, three specialisations are offered - B.Com in Export-Import Management, B.Com in Supply Chain Management & B.Com in Financial Planning.
Course content has two essential components: Knowledge & Skills. Knowledge deals with sector specific understanding needed to succeed in an industry. Skills are hands-on/ technical/ employability - enhancing skills that enable a student to get a job even as he is studying for his degree, and get a better job year on year.
Incremental employability is the catch phrase of the SMU-DE ProDegree programme. Well-known training industry veterans such as Datacraft, IndiaSkills and FTDC have partnered with SMU-DE to provide Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma to students.
Employability - focussed course construct provides students with a certificate at the end of the first year (that certifies him to get certain, entry-level jobs); a Diploma at the end of the second year (certifying him as eligible for the next level of jobs) and an Advanced Diploma at the end of the third year, along with his degree (which certifies him to the next level of jobs); all in the specialisation of his choice.
All the skill certificates and diplomas are provided by the industry partners, while the end of course degree will be given by SMU-DE. The faculty comprises in-house professionals from the industry partners and visiting industry mentors team up to provide the best of training and practical knowledge to the students.
Source: Merinews
Date: 12th August, 2010
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