You can get an IIM degree while in the army

You can get an IIM degree while in the army

1 min read838 Views 2 Comments
Updated on Jul 27, 2011 03:08 IST

The biggest challenges in the Armed forces?

The biggest challenge is to live up to the expectations of the subordinates and troops as a role model, and to be an efficient manager/leader and also to remain battle-worthy.

How is the Army different from the way others see it?

For others, it is like any other profession, but for the Army personnel, it is essentially a way of life. It’s our first love.

Can the Indian Army fill its vacancies, now that salaries have risen considerably?

The number of vacancies is rather large. The recent hike in salaries may partially address the paucity. However, the primary reason for youngsters’ aversion to joining the Army is their reluctance to embrace a tough life riddled with challenges and hardships.

How important is it to continue studies while in the Army?

Officers are made to undergo a host of courses at various stages of their career, and to make that happen, they can take two years of study leave. Some seats are reserved for army officers in IIMs and XLRI. Your performance in studies has a strong bearing on your career profile. This motivates officers to bag degrees, which can work to their advantage in their second (post-retirement) career. 

Any ‘scary’ experience you’ve had in the Army?

A leader of men cannot afford to be scared in life. The training moulds an officer cadet in such a manner as to survive the most difficult and frightening situations.

Has the Army changed in any way since your days?

The number of officers in units has decreased drastically, thereby not allowing enough time for proper regimentation, training and recreation. As a result, there is greater stress, affecting morale.


Author: Lt Col (Retd) Ashokan K Interviewed by Vimal Chander Joshi

Date: 7th Oct., 2009

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2009-11-11 18:07:33

now i m not in army.i want to join army also.

Reply to k.vetrivel


2009-11-11 18:04:14

i m a diploma in ECE holder.i want to join MBA in army institude

Reply to k.vetrivel