GIA's Graduate Diamonds (GD) Diploma programme now in Jaipur!

GIA's Graduate Diamonds (GD) Diploma programme now in Jaipur!

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Updated on Dec 30, 2013 11:31 IST

GIA (Gemological Institute of America) will offer its Graduate Diamonds (GD) Diploma in Jaipur beginning January 9, 2014. The 7-week programme, taught by experienced instructors from the Institute’s Mumbai campus, will bring GIA’s globally recognised gem education to Jaipur – important consumer market and manufacturing hub for the gems and jewellery industry.

The GD programme combines theory and hands-on practical learning to teach students the GIA-created 4Cs (Colour, Cut, Clarity and Carat weight) of diamond quality and how to grade diamonds in the D-Z colour range. Students learn how to use gemmological equipment to grade and identify diamonds; how to detect synthetics, treatments, simulants and fracture-filled diamonds; and how to confidently speak the language of diamonds to suppliers, vendors and customers.

GIA conducts the GD programme in cities throughout India including Mumbai, New Delhi, Surat and Bangalore. This course is expected to give professionals and industry hopefuls from Jaipur and neighbouring areas in Rajasthan easy access to world-class education. In addition to the classroom learning, GIA’s Graduate Diamonds also facilitates real world application of concepts learnt in class through regular market visits for the students, including manufacturing facilities and retail houses to gain an understanding of day-to-day business. They get a unique opportunity to experience the entire journey of a diamond – from rough to retail.  

“Jaipur is a major consumer market for gems and jewellery, and a treasure trove of traditional and contemporary jewellery,” says Nirupa Bhatt, managing director of GIA in India and the Middle East. “GIA’s Graduate Diamonds programme brings global education for diamonds to Jaipur.”

The GD Diploma programme will begin January 9, 2013. GIA, the global leader in gem and jewellery education, also offers full-and part-time courses on diamonds, coloured stones, pearls, merchandising, jewellery design, retail and more. The Institute conducts regular corporate seminars on jewellery-related topics across 40 cities in India.

For more information about GIA education in India, call 1800-102-1566, or visit


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