GATE 2016 Syllabus
The dates for GATE 2016 were released recently. The exam is scheduled to be conducted during forenoon and afternoon sessions on alternate weekends (Saturday and Sunday) between January 30, 2016 and February 7, 2016. Check GATE 2016 important dates here.
The syllabus for GATE 2016 has witnessed some changes. From the next year onwards, the exam will encompass a new paper on petroleum engineering as part of the syllabus. Earlier, the total number of papers were 22, however, after the addition of this new paper, the total number of papers have been changed to 23.
Also, the point to note here is that the syllabus for GATE 2016 papers have been revised. Thus, the syllabus for some papers might be different from those of GATE 2015.
The syllabus for each of the section in GATE 2016 is given below by clicking on each of the subjects:
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