How Is GATE 2019 Score Calculated?

How Is GATE 2019 Score Calculated?

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Updated on Aug 2, 2019 10:08 IST


GATE 2019 exam results were declared by the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT-M) on its official website on March 15. The GATE 2019 exam was held on February 2, 3, 9 and 10 in multiple sessions at various exam cities spread across the country. According to reports, over 9.22 lakh registered for the GATE 2019 exam.

According to the official website, GATE 2019 exam score cards were available for download on the IIT-M official site till May 31 this year. GATE-qualified candidates, who want a soft copy of the scorecard after May 31 and till December 31, can do so by paying a fee of Rs 500. The GATE score is calculated meticulously to ensure that the best of the candidates make it to the top technology colleges.

Take a look at how GATE 2019 scores are determined for various papers:

How are normalised marks for CE, CS, EC, EE and ME papers calculated?

In 2019, the exam for CE, CS, EC, EE and ME papers was conducted in multi-sessions. Thus, the normalisation for these papers takes into consideration the variation in the difficulty levels of any of the question papers across different sessions. Based on this methodology and taking into account various other normalisation method, given below is the formula that is adopted to calculate the normalised marks for these branches:

The formula to give normalised mark of jth candidate in ith session Mij is:

Once the answers are evaluated, normalised marks based on the formula given above will be calculated corresponding to the raw marks obtained by a candidate for CE, CS, EC, EE and ME papers. GATE 2019 exam score is be calculated based on these normalised marks.

How are GATE scores calculated for other papers?

In the formula given above, Mq, most of the times, amounts to 25 marks (out of 100) or μ+σ , whichever is larger. Here μ is the mean, while σ is the standard deviation of marks of all the aspirants who have taken the paper/exam.
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