IITB Research Internship Awards

IITB Research Internship Awards

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Updated on Sep 10, 2013 13:08 IST

The Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay has invited applications for the Research Internship Award 2013 which is available for specific research projects. The same is listed below:


Research Title

Aerospace Engineering

Computation of particle trajectories in turbulent flows  

Dynamic analysis of composite helicopter rotor flexbeams

Flame stabilization in micro combustors                

Large eddy simulation of flow in a solid propellant motor

Biosciences and Bioengineering

Computational Modeling of Contractile Ring Constriction             

Construction of a mutant bacteriophage N4 that can produce empty mature capsids

Development of flow control elements for paper-based diagnostics         

Identification of Group B Streptococcus secreted proteases and their role in cellular junction disruption 

In silico characterization of proteins involved in mimivirus genome replication        

Multiplexed Sensing of Ions using LBL assembled Capsules Biosciences and Bioengineering

Purification and characterization of carbaryl hydrolase from carbaryl degrading Pseudomonas strains             

Salivary proteomic analysis of malaria patients for identification of non-invasive markers              

Studying mechanism of stable inheritance of extrachromosomal element in budding yeast           

To unravel the mechanism of step wise loss of cohesin during meiosis using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism    

Understanding Cargo Transport by Dynein Motors          

Understanding Cargo Transport by Kinesin Motors

Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering

An optimization approach to quantify eutrophication potential of lake water bodies

Climate Change Induced Impacts on Quality of Fresh Water: A Data Driven Analysis on Major Indian Rivers

Centre for Technology Alternatives for Rural Areas (CTARA)

Development of a data logging and monitoring unit for use with photovoltaic systems

Evaluating the performance of water pumping using photovoltaics

Chemical Engineering

Nanoparticles for drug delivery


Development of new heterocyclic scaffolds and synthesis of heterocycles via aza-Prins and Cope-rearrangements    

Development of novel strategies from building blocks derived from chiral pool materials towards synthesis of natural products and analogs       

G Quadruplex Stabilizing Agents Targeting Promoter DNAs         

Modelling Magnetic Materials for Nano technology applications               

Using Single-molecule tracer diffusion dynamics to undestand heterogeneity in polymer thin-films

Civil Engineering

Assessment of ocean renewable energy on the Indian coast

Characterization of Unsaturated Soils

GIS-GPS Based Passenger Information System

Impact of sea level rise on the existing eroding coasts

Methods to reduce ground movement due to tunnelling             

Simulation Based Traffic Management Strategies to Reduce Vehicular Pollution

Electrical Engineering

Advanced CMOS Logic Devices

Cooperative Control of Quadcopter Teams

Fabrication and characterization of high-speed (> 100MHz) diodes

Polycrystalline Silicon For Solar Cells       

Virtual Electromagnetics Laboratory

Energy Science and Engineering

Collision properties in levitated granular material              Energy Science and Engineering

Particle size effects on kinetics of dehydrogenation in Magnesium Hydride for fuel cells in automobiles

Simulation studies on nanostructural stabilization through grain boundary segregation

Humanities & Social Sciences

Bidirectional Scriptal Dexterity and Developmental Dyslexia: A Functional Analysis         

Cognitive Decline in Diabetic: An Adult Life Span Study

Industrial Engineering & Operations Research

Games on Graphs


A study of acoustical wave propagation in an inhomogeneous moving medium

Mechanical Engineering

Analysis of defromation behaviour of aluminum bar at micron scale     

Blood plasma separation in a microdevice            

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and heat transfer solver based on immersed boundary method with applications in multiphase flows            

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver for fluid-structure interaction (FSI) applications in compressible flows         

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) study of impact and evaporation of a droplet on a solid surface          

Constitutive modeling of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys       

Development and Application of Optimization-based Algorithms for Limited-Data Tomography   

Development of thermal storage system for ORC based solar thermal plant for medium temperature application        

Dynamics and Control for High-Speed Positioning with Nanometer Precision    

Energy harvesting from flow around flexible objects      

Flow dynamics of multiphase turbulent flows    

Investigation of heat transfer mechanisms in micro/mini channels             

Mixed convective flow and heat transfer past two tandem square cylinders at incidence     

Mixing dynamics of buoyant jets and plumes     

Numerical investigation of fluid flow and heat transfer in data centres

Simultaneous measurement of temperature and concentration fields using Imaging-based techniques  

Study of Critical Heat Flux during Two-Phase Flow Boiling in Multiple Parallel Microchannels

The fun of non-intrusive measurements of temperature fields.

Wave Propagation in Layered Metamaterials

Metallurgical Engineering & Materials Science

Calculation of electronic properties of Materials               

Development of novel route for processing of polycrystalline ceramic - carbon nanotube composites posessing well-dispersed and higher volume fraction of carbon nanotubes        

Development of oxide-based ceramic nanocomposites via solid-state precipitation

Large area self-assembly of photonic crystals for waveguiding applications       

Patterning of metallic nanostructures using direct laser lithography        

Phase field modelling of twinning            

Synthesis of graphene based materials


Triplet Excitons Dynamics in Fluorescent Conjugated Polymers  

Using thermodynamic resistance fluctuations as a thermometer

SJM School of Management

Role of IITs for Industrial Competitiveness: Case of an Emerging Industry

Systems & Control Engineering

Motion control of autonomous underwater vehicle under practical conditions        

Trajectory tracking for multiple mobile robots



  • Aspirants must be in the Second year of a Masters program, or third / fourth year of a Bachelors program. Branch / discipline of study will be as per the project requirements specified by IIT Bombay Faculty
  • He/She must be among the top 10% in all the previous years in your discipline in the College / University / Institute. A certificate from the Principal (in the prescribed format)to this effect will have to be submitted at the time of applying.
  • He/She must be a full-time student while applying and till the completion of the Internship. You may submit a partial project report before (e.g., in April) the completion of the Internship (e.g., in June) if the academic calendar of your College / Institute / University requires you to do so, with the prior consent of the Internship Guide.
  • He/She must be able to work full-time for the Internship. Part-time internship is not allowed. A certificate to the effect that there are no course work requirements during the internship period has to be submitted at the time of applying.

Selection process:

The selection of candidates will be based on the preliminary screening of applications, followed by test/ interviews.

The selected candidates will then have to work full time for four to six months on the project and will be given a fixed stipend of  Rs. 10,000/- per month.

How to apply?

Important dates:



Last Date for submission of Application form

September 30, 2013

Tentative Dates for Interview

November 11, 2012 - November 17, 2013

Duration of Internship

4 to 6 months between Dec 2013 and Jun 2014

About the Author

This is a collection of news and articles on various topics ranging from course selection to college selection tips, exam preparation strategy to course comparison and more. The topics are from various streams inclu... Read Full Bio