NCHMCT JEE 2015: Checklist for the exam
NCHMCT JEE 2015 exam pattern is such that aspirants need to attempt a total of 200 questions in 180 minutes. The exam paper will be divided into five sections wherein aspirants will have to answer questions from subjects such as Numerical Ability and Analytical Aptitude, English Language, Aptitude for Service Sector, Logical Reasoning as well as General Knowledge & Current Affairs.
The marking system of this hotel management entrance exam is such that one mark will be awarded to candidates for every correct answer given by them in the General Knowledge & Current Affairs, Reasoning & Logical Deduction, Numerical Ability & Analytical Aptitude and English Language section. In these sections if any question is attempted wrong then 0.25 marks will be deducted from the candidate’s total score.
Graded marking will be given for the Aptitude for Service Sector section. Here, one mark will be awarded for the most appropriate answer. Further, the next appropriate answer would lead to the candidate getting 0.75 marks followed by 0.50 marks for the next appropriate answer. Candidates need to note that 0.25 marks will be deducted for the least appropriate answer given by any candidate.
NCHMCT JEE will be held on April 25, 2015 from 10 am to 1 pm. Aspirants need to ensure that they need to reach the test centre at least 60 minutes before the commencement of the examination. View important dates for NCHMCT JEE 2015. lists the important documents as well as other things that candidates should positive carry to their NCHMCT JEE 2015 exam centre.
Admit Card
NCHMCT JEE 2015 admit cards need to be downloaded from the official website. Candidates need to positively carry two copies of their admit cards for the All India Joint Entrance Examination (JEE). One of the Admit Card copy should be duly attested by Gazetted Officer/Head of Institution last attended/Bank Manager of scheduled Bank/Area Post Master. On the exam day, candidates have to show the invigilator this admit card copy after which the invigilator will sign their admit card. Candidates should preserve and keep this admit card copy of NCHMCT JEE as the same will have to be produced at the time of Counselling. The second copy of NCHMCT JEE 2015 admit card will be retained at the examination centre.
ID Proof
Aspirants should consider carrying a photo ID proof with them to the exam centre. This can prove useful at the time of verification. The ID proofs you can carry to the NCHMCT JEE exam centre are Passport, Driving License, Voter ID card or School/College ID.
Do not forget to carry blue/black pens as well as HB pencil and eraser to your NCHMCT JEE 2015 exam hall tomorrow. In addition, keep one or two extra pens and pencils so that you are prepared for any type of emergency situation.
Water Bottle
Yes, the heat is catching up and we advise that you carry a bottle of water on the exam day. Most exam centres serve water during the exam but you cannot be sure of their purity, so consider carrying your own bottle of water. However, before entering the exam centre make sure that no text is present on the body of the bottle because you can be penalised for the same.
On the morning of the exam you would be caught up in revision, so we advise that you kept all these important things aside a night before the exam.
With this, wishes all the candidates appearing for NCHMCT JEE 2015 – All the Best!
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