DU CIE Entrance Exam

DU CIE Entrance Exam

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Updated on Jul 15, 2013 17:15 IST

University of Delhi (DU) will be conducting an entrance exam for admissions to Master of Philosophy (M.Phil-fulltime and part-time) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D-full-time) programs in Education offered at Department of Education (Central Institute of Education), University Of Delhi for the academic year 2013.The exam is scheduled to be conducted on July 16, 2013.


Full-time Candidates:

  • The minimum qualifications is a Master's Degree of an Indian University or an equivalent degree of a foreign University, in Education, or an allied subject with a Second Class  i.e., minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate or an equivalent grade.

Part-time Candidates:

  • The minimum qualifications required is a Master's Degree of an Indian University, or an equivalent degree of a foreign University, in Education or an allied subject, with a Second Class  i.e., minimum of 55% marks in the aggregate or an equivalent grade.
  • Preference will be given to candidates having experience of working as educational practitioners.
  • The eligibility criteria with respect to the reserved categories of students to be admitted to the M.Phil programme (Full-Time and Part–Time) will be governed by guidelines issued by the university in accordance with statutory provisions.

Note: Allied subjects Psychology, Child development, Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work, Linguistics, Philosophy, Physical Education/ Health Education.

PhD Programs:

The candidate should have a master’s or an M.Phil degree of the University of Delhi, or any other recognized university, or any degree recognized as equivalent in the subject in which the candidate wishes to pursue a course of research, or in an allied subject. She/he must have obtained either a minimum of 50% marks or an equivalent grade in the M.Phil degree or a minimum of 55% marks or an equivalent grade in the master’s degree.

Exam pattern:

The written exam will encompass the following:

  • Section – I: Specific questions based on one or more given passages related to theoretical ideas and contemporary issues and debates in education.
  • Section – II: Reading and interpreting data and commenting on research methodology and analysis as provided in the question paper.
  • Section – III: Writing short essay(s) on a given set of themes.

Besides the written exam of 75 marks, students will also have to go an interview which would carry 25 marks. The interview will however consist of a defense of the statement of purpose and candidates’ understanding of theoretical approaches, basic ideas and perspective on issues and themes in Education.

Important dates:


Dates for M.Phil

Dates for Ph.D

Availability & Submission of Application Form*

June 17– July 5 (11:00 am – 4:00 pm)

Display of the list of Candidates eligible for Written Test

July 12, 2013 (4:00 pm)

Written Test at CIE, University of Delhi

July 16, 2013 (10:00 am)

Display of the List of Candidates called for interview

July 25, 2013 (4:00 pm)

Interviews at CIE, University of Delhi.

July 30, 2013 (10:00 am)

August 1, 2013(10:00 am)

Display of list of Candidates recommended for admission

August 6, 2013 (4:00 pm)

Fee Submission at CIE, University of Delhi

August 7 – August 9 (10:00 am–1:00 pm)


Meet the Faculty

August 12, 2013(2:30 p.m)

Submission of Options

August 14, 2013(up to 4:00 pm)

Classes commence

August 16, 2013(10:00 am)

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This is a collection of news and articles on various topics ranging from course selection to college selection tips, exam preparation strategy to course comparison and more. The topics are from various streams inclu... Read Full Bio